I-Doser on ABC News

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I-Doser on ABC News

Post by idoser »

ABC News did a scare piece on digital drugs, and mentioned I-Doser. It amazes us how some of these organization take a negative approach instead of focusing on the safe and legal alternative I-Doser is.

Big time news is reporting on us!

http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Drugs/ ... 919&page=1[/url]
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Post by DMG »

A poorly written article which is based on prejudice and lacks serious research.
Yet, this will bring plenty off publicity and attention from future buyers.
Good PR after all!
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Post by Fusion »

WHAT A BUNCH OF *censored*
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Post by shaabrooke »

When I read this, all I can think of is the ignorance these writers must have. I looked on that page to, from a reliable source, understand and confirm that there are no harmful effects when using these binaural brainwave doses. As I read through the "bad" effects, I soon realized that it was all a tad off. They say that drugs are an objectively bad thing; therefore, these online drugs must be bad for they result in the same mindset. So what? Why does it matter, if it's safe? They say it promotes drug use. No way! How could it promote drug use? All it is doing is promoting a safer way to come off or stay away from a drug, not use the actual substance! How would it promote it if one understands that this brainwave is a safe practice? Why would anybody even want to use the "real thing" if they could just use this? Even the most ignorant people would understand that this is, one, cheaper, and two, harmless. Just don't go driving until you've come down from whatever high you had induced. Do this at night when you are just sitting around. It's that simple, abc. So shut up! None of what you're saying makes any sense!
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Post by maxman1812 »

Mixed feelings about this article. On the one hand, I can see where the author is coming from in a few respects. First, I-doser is heavily advertised as a "legal high". The whole point is to simulate the effects of drugs and yes I can see how if you want to trip/get high with binaural brainwaves, then you may have a higher probability of wanting to try the actual thing and I-doser may act as a gateway drug in that respect. I can also see how I would want my children staying away from this site because it contains information that they are not ready to see. However that is about where my understanding stops. While it is true that maybe a few more people will be willing to go for the actual drug, far more people can use I-doser to recover from drug addictions. Furthermore, while you may feel a slight hangover period from I-doser, it is obvious that the author did not actually try I-doser because any after effects I have felt from any doses have quickly passed and not impared my judgment. Also, nothing was mentioned about the complete lack of physical side-effects and how it can be used as an alternative to drugs. To be forthcoming, there are some things I wouldn't mind catching my children doing, like sex or weed, but some things, like crack, heroin, lsd, etc. I would be fairly enraged. If I saw them I-dosing I still might not feel the greatest if they were under 18, but it is still far better than finding a crack-pipe under the bed! Finally, if you don't want your kids having access to bad things in real life or the internet, then TALK TO THEM. Seriously, no child should be able to access any inappropriate content now-a-days with all the software that is out there to control their surfing. And if you don't want your kid selling dope to support their crack habit, raise them well and talk to them. I don't care what they put out there now-a-days cause I know that I take time to be around my kids and raise them correctly. I have no fear about them trying hard drugs and that's really what this article is about, not binaural brainwaves at all. Just another sharp object that your kid can avoid if you aren't a complete moron of a parent.
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Post by leinad196 »

I agree on that. I am 16 years old, and I think my parents would be real pissed off if they caught me doing drugs (they actually found a empty pill box of diclofenac, which I don't caracterise as a drug-drug. Although I mixed it with Ibuprofen, and since they both are NSAIDS, hey shall not be taken together. That's because they makes the side-effects stronger, and I actually got high from it :? )than I-doser. My mother is familiar with brain waves and knows about brain entrainment, so she knows that I-doser is just as safe as any other binaural beats that do not cause drug effects. :)
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Post by Cube »

I busted out laughing at least 10 times reading that article. That's just funny stuff.
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Post by ookpaya »

dont let them get you down. the media does anything it can for attention
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

Ahh... The media...

It amazes me how prejudice they are towards everything, I mean yeah the first time you hear about I-Doser you will think it's dangerous because as a child you were taught that drugs were bad, and since I-Doser replicates drugs some people automatically jump to conclusions without any prior knowledge on the subject. I mean really some people are so damn ignorant they say it's bad for you without even knowing in the slightest bit how it works.

But eh, at least we know what's really going on.
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Post by blackplague »

wow, what idiots... "idozers" "gateway drug"
However, most sites are more sinister. They sell audio files ("doses") that supposedly mimic the effects of alcohol and marijuana.

But it doesn't end there. You'll find doses that purportedly mimic the effects of LSD, crack, heroin and other hard drugs. There are also doses of a sexual nature. I even found ones that supposedly simulate heaven and hell.
:lol: fucking idiots..
that's funny though "they don't stop there.. i've even found ones that supposedly simulate heaven and hell..

I'm listening to inhalant right now its making me want to go huff some paint thinner.. but the dose is frying my brain already i can feel it sizzling in my cerebellum..
(not really)
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

I mean really when you're under the influence of I-Doser it's like being sleepy in the morning, yeah you feel a certain way and you can get hurt if you drive a car or some shit but it goes away pretty quick and doesn't hurt you at all. They throw the whole fucking thing out of proportion and extort the tiniest little things like "You shouldn't drive while doing it" which is completely under the user's control into "OMG U CAN DIE FROM DOING I-DOSER, IT'S SOOOOO DANGEROUS!!! DON'T LET YOUR KIDS DO IT, THEY MIGHT FEEL GOOD."
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Post by blackplague »

maybe they'd rather their kids be on a street corner alone night time with some foil and crystal and a lighter and a straw smoking meth..
it's much safer than binaural's they even have one that is like going to hell
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Post by cameraboirzu »

First I need to comment on how bad a lot of the ABC reporters are. Kim Komando is the stupidest person alive. Shes a sensationalist writer like all other "journalists" who try to spread fear when there is really nothing to be scared about. Her arguement on the effect of I-doser on driving is silly as well. Everyone here knows that I-doser cannot HONESTLY impair you enough so that you could get into a car crash. We may as well get rid of car radios too, I mean, they have music and music changes how you think, and you may get in a car wreck if you listen. I'm not making the argument that music doesn't change how you think, but EVERYTHING causes a reaction, doesn't matter if you read, listen, touch, etc.

Instead of listening to these :evil: DIGITAL DRUGGSSSS :evil: I'm going to go shoot some heroin, because its the safe thing to do :D
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Post by blackplague »

yea why don't you speedball? some heroin and coke? :evil:
it's still safer than an evil binaural that can emulate heaven and hell.
the idozers will kill you and make you do worse drugs..
they might even make you kill your whole family.. instead of on the amityville horror guy being possessed he was really using idoser..
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Post by antwonsalsa »

wow this is amazing
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