FIrst experience with trip :D

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FIrst experience with trip :D

Post by tork »

Well I finally bought an id and i tried it I gt the trip because I always wanted to hallucinate and is my experience. I plugged in the headphones to my laptop and I went to my room were I fallowed the instructions and then layed on my bed with my eyes open starring at the ceiling. well about 30% I was having vision problems were my vision would fluctuate in and out and became blurry but really bright...the ceiling looked like it was coming closer and the walls stared to swirl and distort...very weird. I became sleepy but didn't wanna go to sleep for i was enjoying these weird visions..alas 80-90% the tones started to lower on the first dosage and the effects seemed to wore off besides the fact that sounds all around were much more prone..very weird I felt some how more earthy and that was about it ...not the results i expect and longed for a longer trip but I did manage to experience something.will try again . Also i am new to ID and have not tried the real things ever, is it advisable to have some one present just in case something turns to the bad?
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Post by nwa »

glad you had a good trip you should try Peyote Now if you liked Trip :)
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