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Back again!

Post by whenwillitend »

So almost to the day, 1 year ago, I downloaded I-doser the free doses didnt do much for me, at first. I was very interested though. So I called my wealthy friend up and had him bring his dads credit card over and he bought all the doses. Well the first dose didn't seem to work for him so we kept at it trying various doses and didn't really care for what we tried. He did white crosses and got some "AMAZING" effects so he bought the other doses we didn't really want at first. When we purchased these we ended up with anesthesia in the mix. I put on the head phones and laid down. I didn't feel much at the beginning of the dose (this is about my 12th time to dose) except for a little tingle in my legs and fingers toward the end I felt like I was being sucked into the futon and the room was spinning. The dose ended and I was pretty pleased. While I was dosing one of my other friends had came over and was sitting outside waiting on me to get done. I was going to go outside and lie to him and say I didn't feel anything (this way he wouldn't do a dose and say it worked for him just because it worked for me) but when I got to the door my legs felt like rubber and I couldn't stop laughing. There was no hiding this amazing feeling.

We kept dosing for the next month or 2 basically until we got tired of dosing. I lost all the contents on my hard drive a few months ago so I had lost all the doses :(.

just last night I came across the finished download I had forgotten about and figured why not I have nothing better to do. So I dimmed the lights cleared off the bed and put on the headphone. I wasn't expecting much since I hadn't dosed in 9+ months well sure enough the anesthesia dose kicked my ass once again. Man am I pleased with i-doser.
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

Yeah it's pretty sweet.
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Post by When_will_it_end_X9 »

good to see your back whenwillitend
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