Simply My Opinion...

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Simply My Opinion...

Post by oscar »

There's NO God, there is no Jesus/ Buddah/ Alah etc. as the religion explains them...
So many beliefs... So much misery caused "In the name of god"

How sad.

Discuss fools.
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Post by N1c3 »

Well, I don't neccessarily see the point of this thread, but yeah, there is no such thing as God, Jesus was actually the name of a hobo in the city of jerusleam (however the hell you spell it) and has nothing to do with "God", zeus isn't real, the red sea was not actually seperated, the bible is a man-written book that shouldn't be trusted, etc..
Oh, and Religion is the worst thing ever and is just one big manmade LIE!!
And it's even worse in America because they try to use religion to scare us, they try to force religion down our throats and also try to make it look as if those who don't believe in the manwritten book must be "evil", I mean, come on, "In God we trust"???
Oh please....
although I think you should treat believers with more respect, everyone's opinion matters.
You know, I would normally agree with that, but since we're talking about "religious people" who don't respect our opinions and treat atheists and such as if they are the source of evil and are trying to manipulate the "good people" (catholics) into joining us in Hell (yes this is actually how they think), why should I respect their opinions??
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Post by Cryptopsy »

Even if I knew for sure that a God did exist, I still would not worship it.
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Post by ethan1134 »

Evolution says we were the first people? What? where are you getting your facts lol

and all right i'm not expert on this, but whenever I need to be reassured of my own faith one thing i can always think about is the beginning...
The big bang. Supposedly, when there was nothing at all, some gases were floating around and collided...what?? There's nothing at all, not even some shit that can collide...
Now i don't know how it makes much sense for there to be a God in all of that nothingness, but for some reason it makes a hell of a lot more sense to me.
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Post by Kuroni »

HAHA! Another Ishmael reader! Happy Crab speaks the truth!

Surely the earth was not created for humans, for if it was, all creation would have come to an end once we came about. The natural forces would screech to a halt. Evolution would be but on pause.

Since I don't see any of this happening, the world was not made for humans to conquer it.
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Post by divinorum »

happy_crab wrote:
ethan1134 wrote:Evolution says we were the first people? What? where are you getting your facts lol

and all right i'm not expert on this, but whenever I need to be reassured of my own faith one thing i can always think about is the beginning...
The big bang. Supposedly, when there was nothing at all, some gases were floating around and collided...what?? There's nothing at all, not even some shit that can collide...
Now i don't know how it makes much sense for there to be a God in all of that nothingness, but for some reason it makes a hell of a lot more sense to me.
read a basic high school text book buddy.
read what i said again; religion believes (hahah) the earth was made for humans, not science.
Although I claim no religous affiliation, I have to agree (on a much less aggressive level) with happy_crab that Ethan1134 needs to educate himself a little more on the big bang. At the same time happy_crab needs to see that Science believes that the big bang happened, and cannot prove it undeniably. I have said this many times through out the forums, to each his own.
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Post by hitman47 »

divinorum wrote:Although I claim no religous affiliation, I have to agree (on a much less aggressive level) with happy_crab that Ethan1134 needs to educate himself a little more on the big bang. At the same time happy_crab needs to see that Science believes that the big bang happened, and cannot prove it undeniably. I have said this many times through out the forums, to each his own.

The difference between a scientist who believes that the big bang happened and a religious person who believes that God exists is that a scientist has good evidence and can back up his theory. A religious person however has no evidence but for a book written hundreds of years AFTER the alleged events transpired. Also for any athiest looking for a good read, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins is excellent.
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Post by ethan1134 »

What legitimate proof does a sceintist have that the big bang happened?
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Post by Master832 »

ethan1134 wrote:What legitimate proof does a sceintist have that the big bang happened?
They don't have proof. The theory of the big bang was thought of when scientists realized the universe was constantly expanding, so they don't actually know. The problem with atheists is that they deny the existance of an all-powerful being due to lack of proof while their own beliefs are almost all theories. For example, evolution perfectly applies to every species except humans which is where it gets hazy and bogged down in theories. Scientists still haven't found that missing link, and our apparent ancestor the ape is still around which brings up the question, "If we evolved from apes shouldn't we have completely replaced them like other evolved species?". There are also questions about the big bang. The law of conservation of mass and energy states that they cannot be created nor destroyed so where did the mass and energy required to create the universe come from? OP and most of the athiests in this post are basically the athiest equivalent of a bible thumper, you say you're tolerant of other peoples beliefs and yet you continue to bash them and call them uneducated.
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Post by stephenxanders »

It is very hard to believe something that is unseem.. However, we need to ask ourself where does human race comes from? Ofcourse there will always be a creator.. I don't believe Charles Darwin, and in fact, before he died, he confess that all of it was a lie :-)
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Post by Shadow21 »

I believe in god but I don't have a religion (I'm sure someone has made a religion for not having a religion though :?) . I just don't see how there could be nothing and then all of a sudden there is a universe (or universes?). I don't go to church or anything because I think they try and make you believe in a bunch of crap (such as Jesus).
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Post by Bastard »

I think most of the atheists have got a wrong view of christianity.
For me it is not about how animals got created or whatever but above anything else it is love and forgiveness.
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Post by Frankoman »

Simply my opinion, there is a God, Jesus was real, and I'd rather die living a good life leaving behind a good legacy and find out God isn't real then die living a bad life committing crimes and other bad things only to find out God is real and I'll suffer for it.

But why not, I like arguing about religion. Where should I start? If you don't believe in any God at all, then honestly thats being naive. Even Science won't back you up on this one, for popular science decision is that there is a 'Higher Being' out there. I'll explain why.

Lets go back to the Big Bang. This is the most widely accepted and taught method that the universe was created. All Time, Matter and Space was created by something outside of Time Matter and Space, which I will call God. But if God created all this, who created God?

The question in itself is a fallacy, it doesn't make sense. If God was created, that means he isn't God. God is, was, and forever will be, for god is Omnipresent, he is outside of Time, Matter and Space.

Some try to argue Time is infinite, but it can not be. If there was an infinite amount of time before right now, would we be here? No. If I said I'd give you a chocolate bar after an infinite amount of days, would you ever get the chocolate bar? No. Time had a beginning a finite period of time ago. For Time to have a beginning means it must have been created.

I'm sure you've heard that 'Space is Expanding!' Well, thats because it is. Space is the measure between two points of matter, and when scientists say that the universe is expanding, they literally mean it is growing larger and larger. There was a recent thought that one of our probes launched a long while ago is nearing the edge of space. Thats only possible because Space isn't infinite.

Matter is not infinite. Take the nearest object to you, and think how many times do you have to multiply that object by itself to have an infinite amount of its matter. You can't, there isn't an infinite amount of matter to be made and there can't be an infinite amount of matter. Where would you put it? Matter was also created after time because if it wasn't, when would you put it?

Now that we know that, Time, Matter and space were created, we must think what could have created it. There is a belief that either Nothing created Nothing and that Nothing exploded and created us or that Something created Something and that Something exploded and created us. Your call.

If something exists with no time, that means that there is no change meaning there is no past or future but an eternal now which is why the bible says (Hebrew 13:8) "God is the same yesterday and today and forever." for he has never changed and he never will. Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to god? The past present and future are all one. Recounting the bible, nobody has ever argued with the subject that the bible has accurately predicted the future in recorded history, and there are future prophesies to come and in this day and age it doesn't look like it is too far from reality.

Now if you exist without matter that means you are inmaterial, you can't be touched you can't be seen smelled or tasted, you are not made of matter.

If you exist without space, you are everywhere you are omnipresent you are not bound by the confinements of space. So something created matter time and space, and the only thing that can create that is something outside of matter time and space, for if it were in it then it never would have been created.

So something that is invisible unseen and untouched and exists out of matter time and space created matter, time, and space. What does that sound like to you? ;)

I'm curious of the responses I will get. It will either be something stupid and unintelligent and I will declare myself victor or we can have a real debate on this. Saying I know there is no god because there is no evidence isn't a good argument or valid point. If I were to say there is no gold in Miley Cyrus's because there is no evidence of it, does that make it true? No. Likewise, if you knew half of everything there is to know, how do you know that god doesn't exist in the other half? You don't. So lets see where this goes.
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Post by doseoflaughter »

Well, you sound a bit "aggressive" if I may say so. Religion is very very important to some people, and I think we need to be tolerant. Those of us in the higher rungs of the spiritual ladder don't need Jesus or Buddha or Allah, but those at the lower rungs most certainly do. It is an essential phase of spiritual evolution.
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Post by Biojerk »

I never understand why people are so aggressive to prove that there is no Divine energy at play in the world.

Now maybe my view on Deity is far different then most people's. But I believe that as long as I feel a connection to such a being, then it is real to me. Maybe it's not real to you--and that's fine. I don't expect it to be.

I don't think God/dess could exist in OUR world as we see it. Because it is in a different world, and just interacting with ours. So yes, your statement is somewhat true, in my opinion. God, Jesus, Buddah (I'm not sure why you added this one, Buddhists don't worship him as a god at ALL.) don't exist.

However, I think it's the same way that (and this is the only example I can really think of to explain it to other people) a little kid might have an imaginary friend. Now you can sit there and tell that kid over and over and over that he/she is completely insane and dumb for believing in something that doesn't exist, but I'm sure that kid will just look at you confused and think,"Well I can see my friend, why can't you?"

It's because to the kid, since he/she has faith, it is very much real to the kid. Now if we look at it honestly, the imaginary friend is PROBABLY not scientifically real. And the thought of the kids imaginary friend, the personality, the way it acts, the way it speaks to the kid, the lessons it might teach the kid, are really all just developed in that own kids brain. That kid already knows all those lessons, and created this role model or friend for themselves to help them accept those lessons easier. So lets say the kid's imaginary friend is teaching the kid manners, kindness, and how to be just a general good person. That kid is teaching HIMSELF all these things through the vessel of his nonexistent friend. But to the kid his friend is VERY much so real. But obviously to no one else he is.

I don't think that would ever matter to the child though, because he/she doesn't need any proof. He has his imagination all on his own, he is fine, he is happy.

Now, on another note. Science has proven that when an athlete sits down, closes their eyes, and IMAGINES running that mile race as visual as they can, then all their muscles twitch or go off just as if they were running that race. All the different parts of their brain go off, just as if they were running the race. Obviously not on the same level because if that were true then the person would run out the door. :P But the point is, the responses are still there. So who is to say that imagining a God-like figure in one's life doesn't create it enough for their own anyway. Maybe the God-like figure isn't true for you, but that person's mind it is. And because of that, the God-like figure is created somewhere, even if it's only in that persons mind.

I hope all that made sense. Sometimes I feel that nothing I say DOES... :P But anyway. I guess what I'm confused about is, if you believe in a God/dess, fine. If you don't, fine. Who freaking cares honestly.
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