Quetonto Dose journal - Update 24/4/10

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Quetonto Dose journal - Update 24/4/10

Post by quetonto »

so i'm going to start a dose journal, i really like documented what i experience,

I am going to be trying many of the doses i haven't seen other people talk about, i still will do some of the popular doses just not as many.

Genesis - 30mins 'Feel really powerful, confident, and all round good'

Love the sounds, Fighter planes in a huge storm sounds.

The fighter plane thing was very vivid (red 1940ish fighter planes going through a very new age city with skyscraper in the dark with the biggest most electric power storm)
feel very powerful, confident, and all round good, feel as though i could complete anything, nothing's impossible, in one big deep breath all darkness and evil in my body was expelled. I have answers, and clear thinking writing is very easy, nothing could faze me. No typos either which is very rare for me, i'm not a good speller but i feel like i can do everything perfect.

EFFECTS: From what's on the description.
Jittery [ ]
Alive [X]
Awake [X]
No bad thoughts/feelings [X]
Explosion of heat [ ]



WOW feel soo strange
everythings sooooo small,alien but famillar at the same time, stuffs moving crazyyyyy hahah feel soo happy and strange, legs and arms are alittle numb twitches here and there, just big IM with friends when windows move its crazy, hands feel sooo strange haha can't say enough, listening to music - sounds really good, my legs are alittle shaky, feeling abit sick, crazyyyyyy haha feel soo good, happy giggling, AWESOME, my arms and legs feel soo heavy but are floating at the same time. Everythings sooooooo small i feel huge, sitting in this chair, the effects have been slowly wearing off but then like surges come and they feel soo strange, also the effects have been like this for about nearly 45-60 mins !!!!!!! hahaha i feel really good,

effects are starting to calm down so i'll talk about the actual time i was

listening to the beats.

felt really nice and mellow, then about 15 mins in everything was getting really relaxed, after about 2-3 more minutes i felt my self start getting sucked down 'black holes' one at my pelvis really strong, 1st time dosing that i felt myself really twitch and it really felt REAL, stuff started spin alittle but these 'black holes' really tried to suck me down, quick freaky in a way,

still alittle giggy but tired at the same time =) Hahahahahaha

really happy with how this turned out.

Euphoria [X]
Sense of well being [X]
Calm drowsiness [X]
Time reverses or stops [X]
Also, warping of objects, feeling huge, room spinning (small amount)



more vivid colour brights are brighter darks are darker, textures looks strange, seems like i pick up on little things different colours more,
right eye feels like someone is just pricking it very lightly. during the dose it was like i was lying in bed but i wasn't in my bedroom it was just black i could see my bed but nothing else, had quite a few CEV they were flying around very fast and none were very strong but pretty, time seemed to not stop but go slowly (although the dose didn't seem long).
Also during the dose my hands seemed to almost turn round, and felt as though my thumbs were on the wrong side my my hand.

Hallucination [/] alittle
not much description =(

Doses i would like to try in the near future
Marijuana (either full or QH)
Hash (either full or QH)
White Crosses or Black Sunshine

i will be trying to post aleast every 3 days i think, untill i'm out of doses,
i may take requests but i'm not sure if many people will want to hear about this, but i find this sort of thing very interesting and very enjoyable.
Last edited by quetonto on Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

I'm going to have to retry opium I guess. Try heroin if you liked Opium. I like heroin as well.
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Post by quetonto »

was thinking of trying heroin today,
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Post by quetonto »

updated with DMT,
The Royal We
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Post by The Royal We »

Thanks for these experiences! Theyre great references as to what Dose I might wanna buy next. :D
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