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Post by live2skate »

Whats up, I happened to stumble upon this website while lookin up different ways to alter brainwaves. Recently used brainwave generator, not the best experience pretty much none of them worked for me. So I came here in hopes of getting some drug like effects. :smoke:

Anyway I figured I would start off a nitrous cuz it was only 10 minutes long so it would be the best way to start out. Basically I did everything the faq told me to do. I tend to keep my eyes open otherwise I fall asleep. I kinda just stared at the ceiling and tried to focus on the sound inside my head along with the white noise. I'm pretty sure I wasn't focusing on any of the effects, but by the time it was over I didn't feel anything. Maybe just being very relaxed but thats it. Has anyone had experience with Nitrous?

My question is if i kept using it over and over do you think I could eventually get the effects I wanted? I don't really believe in the whole "immune" thing, I prefer to believe that my mind is just unaccepting and I have to train it. What do you think? Oh btw I have decent headphones, here they are ... 983&sr=8-1
Thanks for your help
Last edited by live2skate on Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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tried again

Post by live2skate »

Well I just might have found my problem. I had my headphones connected to my speakers instead of connecting them directly to my computer. So i'm guessing it messed with the dose a little.

Anyway I tried the marijuana dose, not sure if it worked, but I concentrated real hard on the white noise and after a while I heard what sounded like wind or water washing up on the shore. I got pretty deep into it and when the dose was over I just layed there for a couple of minutes. I felt really heavy like my skin was too heavy for my body. I figured that if I moved the effects would go away because I thought I was just really relaxed, but when I got up I still felt it.

My legs were a little shaky and my whole body felt like it could fall through the floor at any minute weird. My head was really heavy too like I had weight on top of it or something. I wasn't really tired, but its hard to explain I just felt really loose and chill, so I decided to watch some tv.

I didn't really find anything funny like some people do when they smoke weed, but I found it a bit difficult to keep up with what was going on. This is my first time with any results and I'm not sure if they were even because of the dose. I'm guessing they were, more like hoping they were. Does this seem like success to you guys? Anybody else have a similar experience? Thanks and sorry for the double post.
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Post by Couch »

yep, that sounds like a typical first experiance. congrats. now if you can get deeper into it, the effects should be even better. i recomend morphine
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thanks for the support

Post by live2skate »

I have 1 more question. I've tried trip and peyote a couple of times now and I don't get any effects. I think somewhere in my mind I believe that the marijuana dose is possible because it should just make me feel something, but I think whats holding me back from hallucinations for peyote and trip is doubt.

Do you think if I get morphine and marijuana to work really well that doubt would go away in my subconcious mind? I tell myself I can have hallucinations, but I know my subconcious refuses the idea. Its like I'm trying to believe in something, but I know deep down it won't work for me despite others having so much success. ughh it pisses me off so bad!

Anyway thanks for the help and support so far. Hopefully I can get this thing to work and trip my brains out lol.
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