Muscle Relaxers + iDoser = Amazing

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Muscle Relaxers + iDoser = Amazing

Post by CryWolf »

I popped four 72 mg muscle relaxing pills for one reason: iDosing. I've only been using iDoser for 3 days nonstop as much as I can in order to get used to the easy doses and work my way up. I've searched the forums and tested out different ways of dosing, trying it with eyes open, lying down, blindfold, even Bloodbane424's technique: surfing the internet while listening to the dose. Well, none of this worked. So I decided to take muscle relaxers since I'm so damn hyper all the time! >=/ Heart pounds in my chest with excitement and anticipation for the dose....I can't control it lol. So after waiting about an hour and a half for the pills to take effect, I started tripping off the pills themselves! ;D I figured that I should try dosing with them. First dose, Black Sunshine. Okay, yeah I know I'm a beginner and maybe it's too much for me, but I tried it anyways.

Black Sunshine.....20% in, I started seeing shapes and stuff with the blindfold on while lying down. I wasn't really seeing much until 40% I think. Everything I saw seemed sorta blurred out but really dark too. Imagine staring into a car that has super dark tinted windows to see what's going on in there.....Pretty much how it seemed, like I had tinted glasses on or something....Anyways, I saw white figures under a black sky and they were splitting into twos while walking past my limp body. Then near the end, I saw Altair (from Assassin's Creed) and clones of himself flying past me being engulfed in white "holy" flames. After that, my body floated into view of this huge knight in dark armor on top of this mountain peak. Wow! His armor was sooo detailed! His helmet was what really caught my attention, it was so awesome and extremely detailed...I dunno how to describe it! lol It even shapeshifted! He also had a cape that resembled bat wings in a way. Really cool experience there. But I still think it's only half decent.... I'll just try it more throughout the week for better results. ;]

My second dose was Bufo Toad. I must admit that I was pretty tired when I dosed this one, but I was still awake throughout the entire dose. Up to 20% I wasn't feeling anything or seeing anything, then suddenly, without realizing it, I was having CEVs! I sorta freaked out and they vanished since my mind was unaware of what was going on until then. After that, It was like I was dreaming....that's really what it felt like. I didn't hear anything besides the binaural beats and white noise, but I saw some pretty bizzare images and scenes that my "soul" was involved in. Like, my body was a camera and my soul was the actor. Lol, reminds me of the movie, Inception....I'll get into that some other time though ;P towards the ending, I had some gnarly images and stuff going on in my head, and then the beat got faster for a bit and lower after that. That's when I stopped having CEV's. It was pretty much over then. I got up, pulled off the blindfold, pulled out the earbuds, and half-expected to see the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland smiling at me in my room. But, of course, since I'm new and probably have a high tolerance, I didn't see anything....just mild distortions. But I will prevail! :D Anyways....muscle relaxers and dosing mixes really well, if it wasn't for the pills, I wouldn't have experienced anything. Just a tip and experience story I thought I'd share.

Any tips on using any other stimulants/OTC drugs/household? Please give me tips! :-D
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Re: Muscle Relaxers + iDoser = Amazing

Post by cameraboirzu »

Didn't even bother reading the whole thread. Don't be so excited; no dose is THAT good. There is no need honestly to "work your way up" to "stronger" doses, because no dose is really that powerful to begin with.
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