Meditation techniques?

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Meditation techniques?

Post by Mr.V »

Now I've been told that's it's good if you know how to meditate for these doses... But where can I find good and usefull techniques?
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Post by WTFMAN »

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Post by Mr.V »

And your my friend to!

Thanks :)
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Post by nwa »

word thx for this im trying to learn as much as i can about meditation
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Post by thethreemoons »

how about some of the hundreds of free mp3's of relaxing music and guided meditations that you can find? They can be easier than learning to meditate properly.

I personally just use a breathing technique i learned a few years ago, though im looking into Qigong breathing aswell. It isnt such a major thing for me I find I can relax pretty easy in just a few minutes,just learn to breath properly! lol

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Post by ranmakunmeh »

if i'm concentrating on meditation, how can i concentrate on the sounds? :P
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Post by thethreemoons »

meditate first, just to get you relaxed before you start. then your free to focus on the dose
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Post by Couch »

threemoons has somthing with the breathing. try to do it as steady as possible, in and out, in and out. it helps relax your body and mind
not quite jakes self
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Post by not quite jakes self »

try laying down relaxing all your muscles breath slowly listen to your breath and tell you self something like i am peacefull or something and when your relaxed use it im super adhd so i always meditate during it like think breath in the noise breath out the other thoughts
OAR RAider
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Post by OAR RAider »

does incense help?
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Post by Shinzou »

I've listened to over 5 different doses now and recieved no effect from any of these, but I REALLY want this to work.. As I have been a martial artist in many different arts, and I know how to meditate, but even when I listen and meditate, I cannot achieve a high.. Am I doing something wrong (I've already read the FAQ and such)?

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Post by HippiexChild »

Chyea this stuff does work.. I tried it again last night with the dose HP5 I believe.. and it was so crazy.. I was so happy.. and i know everything sounded fucking weird when i got through.. MY mom interrupted at one point.. so it could have been better.
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