First Experience: Orgasm and MultiO

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First Experience: Orgasm and MultiO

Post by ShadowX100 »

I never heard of I-Doser until last night I was watching 1000 Ways to Die, curiosity got the best of me so I looked it up on Google and that's when I came across this site.

Being a skeptic of most things, I thought this would do nothing but I figured what the heck... even as a skeptic I will give all things a chance. The two things I was interested in was Orgasm and MultipleO, just because the feeling of an orgasm is awesome so figured if I was going to try it I would try it with these two.

I laid on my bed, put on my headphones and started the Orgasm one. For the first 5 or so minutes I didn't feel anything, but as it went on I noticed a very nice tingling sensation that seems to be centered in my pelvic area and noticed I was getting an erection. It wasn't an orgasm, but it was very stimulating and just had that feeling like you're about to cross the line and ejaculate.. but didn't. This wore off after about two minutes and never could get that feeling back.

So I switched to MultipleO and pretty much same thing... at first nothing, then got that very strong sensation and became hard again.

After about 10 minutes I stopped. But what surprises me is after I was done, I noticed I was "wet" down there... I actually had pre-cum seeping out which is something I haven't had happen since I was like a teen, and NEVER had happen without physically stimulating myself.

It was an interesting experience and I definitely could feel that sensation you have as you creep towards an orgasm.. not as strong.. hard to describe, I'll give it another shot when it's dark outside cause it was 11:00am when I did this with sunlight coming in, so figured when it gets dark I'll give it another shot and probably be more relaxed.
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Re: First Experience: Orgasm and MultiO

Post by daver »

It is really easy to focus on the sensations simulated by the dose but until you are really good at staying in the zone focusing on the sensations takes your focus off the audio. The audio is the only real stimulus. The sensations are simulated and disappear without the audio. No matter what you feel keep part of your attention on the pulsing tone and allow the rest of the audio to be felt as well. The body and mind can resist a dose. You have to go with it but avoid losing a connection to it.

Those are simulations of a female experience. Imagine you have other naughty bits. I've felt pressure on a cervix I don't have. MultipleO hits the clitoris, g-spot, and all around the cervix. I finally got in the zone for the pc version of ecstasy. It was pretty intense.
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Re: First Experience: Orgasm and MultiO

Post by ShadowX100 »

That's kind of what happens to me, I start to lose focus on the audio and more focus on the sensation. Practice will make perfect, but as skeptic as I was trying this out I can definitely tell it's creating stimulus, I tried it for a second time with pretty much the same results... get hard, get that sensation in my pelvic area and in the end I have pre-cum. But again, during the whole thing I kept focusing more on the sensation and losing focus on the audio.

I've read about the Ecstasy I-Doser, curious what experiences people had with that.
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Re: First Experience: Orgasm and MultiO

Post by Sevenfold »

I lol'd. I think I'm gonna listen to this while I watch porn and- well, you know :wink:
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