Attempting to dose for 2 years now and....

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Attempting to dose for 2 years now and....

Post by legalstonerbob »

I usually receive very mild effects... Usually about half way in I somewhat black out a bit and quickly come back to conciousness with a strong buzz that only lasts for a second... Is that the effect... if so how can i retain that... i try to ride it out but it just doesnt work.. it may be my adhd idk... Im starting to think that binaural beats are just meditation aids based on the fact that if you relax and use some topic to focus on then that will help clear your mind and create altered states of awareness naturally, in the same respect that focusing on your breathing does.... PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG LOL :)
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Re: Attempting to dose for 2 years now and....

Post by NoDozTweaker »

Well you say you've been trying to do it for 2 years now, so does that mean that you've read around the forums and done all the recommended techniques as well as repetition with the doses? If so, maybe the ADHD could play a factor since it might make it harder to keep your head clear and all attention on the sounds.

Maybe try the mp3's or CD's since they have ambient sounds with them that might give your mind a little more stimulation to keep your attention if you've only been using the computer doses?
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Re: Attempting to dose for 2 years now and....

Post by dogmancar »

Yeah to be honest I'm doubtful that this would work with people who have adhd, but I'd recommend throwing caution to the wind and just trying the strongest dose you can afford. I-doser can't really harm you so if you can't get effects from something like marijuana or hash then just go for hand of god or nightshade or speed ball I'm sure you'll at least have some added effect from trying ridiculously strong doses. Also since you seem to be reaching lower states of consciousness each time you may want to try more uppers like cocaine to get a varied experience.
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Re: Attempting to dose for 2 years now and....

Post by katiloki »

im ADHD too and i have the same problem! ive been trying for almost a year. try to sleep.
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Re: Attempting to dose for 2 years now and....

Post by Willic676 »

Every one has worked just fine but you know every ones brain is different and the beats effect people differently
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