I am pretty new to dosing and wanted to get some mp3 files off of the i-doser premium app for the ipod touch in order to have more control of where and when i can dose. I purchased the app, and when going to purchase a sample (such as Orgasm), I get the following error:
Code: Select all
This is not a Test User account
Please create a new account in the Sandbox environment.
[Environment: Sandbox]
Does anyone have any idea what this is about and why it's happening? I also noticed that there arent as many doses on the iPod app as there are for the tracks available online. Is it better if I purchase them online through the mp3 section
http://sites.fastspring.com/idoser/product/mp3 and then put them on my iPod? I really enjoy it with what i think is the added ambient sounds as I find it more relaxing.
Thanks for your time and help! Cant wait to get dosing