First Experience (Nitrous)

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First Experience (Nitrous)

Post by meguy »

I just dosed nitrous three times in succession.
Each time I never really felt anything until the end when the white noise starts to fade.
The first time, at the end I felt... well I'm not really sure how to explain how I felt. It was sort of like something washing over my entire body. When the dose stopped the feeling continued for about 30 seconds.
The second time, I feel I was a little more concentrated because I did get the swaying feeling. However at the end the feeling was essentially the same, but much less intense.
The third time, I wasn't able to concentrate very well at all. I felt nothing the whole time, and at the end the feeling was of an even lower intensity.

So it's been about five minutes since I completed the doses and I don't really feel the way it's described. Admittedly, though I don't feel exactly... normal. I definitely don't feel elated, I can still walk straight, I'm not at all giddy and I'm still quite dexterous. Maybe the lack of effectiveness is on my current inability to concentrate. I've tried counting backwards, yet I find myself striving to do it correctly. I always catch myself and make note of the mistakes made while doing the counting. I try recreating the beats in my head, but I get lost in imagining what the frequency waves would look like and eventually move to other thoughts and imaginings. What else could I do to concentrate better on this? I'm doing all the things all the manuals and tips say, I have turtle beach HPA2 true surround stereo headphones with 8 speakers at 20hz-20khz. It's down to my current inability to really just be mentally still. Any advice would be just tits. Thanks.

I just tried the OrgamsQH, and I must say, that this so far has had the most outstanding effects. It seems that I'm able to, at the beginning really sink into the sound. Sadly I was interrupted with three and a half minutes left. However, my heart began to RACE, my wiener got really hard and I felt very... "hot." I don't really know if I had an orgasm, or what an orgasm feels like for that matter (I'm a virgin and it didn't feel anything like masturbating). But irrefutably, there was an effect that has only gone to (hopefully) increase my ability to use this therapy.

Still would like any available tips though :P

P.S. I'm 19 years old, so you're not reading about some child and his "wiener feelings"
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Re: First Experience (Nitrous)

Post by Somenamenottaken »

I didn't expect any results at all with headphones that are quite overadvanced. Just like chipped headphones with post-processing or with bass boost, the audio gets in differently than supposed to. This does result in better quality, but in the case of i-Doser you're not really aiming for a better music or gaming experience, are you?
I myself have a Sennheiser 202HD. Cheap headphones. Yet because the sound is as supposed to be heard it works perfectly well with i-Doser.

The thing with bineural beats is that they change your hz level in your brains through creating a 3rd soundchannel through the use of 2. One sound channel comes from your left ear, the other from your right, the difference between the first 2 becomes a 3rd channel in your head. The 3rd channel is the one that makes you have the bineural beat effects.
So i-Doser gives a 2 channel sound, but your headphones change it so every speaker makes sound. So instead of one channel per ear, you get a mix of it. Thus making the sound quite useless.

Maybe most of your feelings came from the fact that you were concentrating while relaxing. Something like meditating maybe. So you get relaxed.

Try borrowing a normal set of headphones from someone, just stereo sound. Without any advanced technology whatsoever.
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Re: First Experience (Nitrous)

Post by meguy »

That makes sense. I'll have to see what I can work up tomorrow. Maybe I'll buy a pair, give a test and return them until I'm more fiscally sound. I found a pair of sony's that have a frequency response of 14-22khz. If my (very limited) knowledge of sound means anything, they should be well above and below the recommendations right? So I'll have to report back tomorrow night on it.

However, the near orgasm I experienced would say that it's not really the case. The aforementioned interruption was my roommate, high as a kite, raising hell on his way into the house. Maybe I could try setting my computer to stereo instead of 5.1? That would force the sound from only 2 channels and then I wouldn't have to make any (however short term, refundable) investments.

I do feel it now important to note that, I really don't know what feelings like euphoria are. If I ever did, my current environment has made me lose sight of any recollection. If using something like Condition or Reset are made to set my brain to a certain frequency would that really be a determining factor?
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Re: First Experience (Nitrous)

Post by Somenamenottaken »

I've never really used Condition myself actually.

Yes I thought about that Orgasm thing as well, so I suppose it could be good enough. But definitely try it as stereo and check the difference. You may try to use the Windows sound test thing, to see where sound comes from. If left really is left and you hear nothing on the right at all, then I guess it's ok.
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Re: First Experience (Nitrous)

Post by meguy »

So I did buy some stereo over the ear headphones, and it didn't change anything. I'm positive that now, it's all on my inability to focus. I suppose I'll do some research about meditation and focusing on the inner and not the outer being. Thanks for your suggestions man.
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