Opium.. First Experience

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Opium.. First Experience

Post by hprulz »

At 1:00 AM I tried Opium with all the lights off. At first I thought it wasn't going to work. But then I freaked out about 25% WAY THROUGH IT! I head footsteps and people talking and I could barley lift my legs! Then I bought Rave! This stuff is awesome!
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Re: Opium.. First Experience

Post by jdscrdlmtl »

Try heroin. It's like opium but A LOT stronger and it makes you feel really warm
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Re: Opium.. First Experience

Post by dp100 »

1. I tried opium and it is a great starter dose
2. If I can get my hands on it I will try heroin. is it just opium but better or is it a completly different experience?
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Re: Opium.. First Experience

Post by crazycupcake »

I think that this dose is really awesome!!! but I really do agree that heroine is a looot better, bcause it's stronger, and you feel so light and OMG you should try it!
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