anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

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anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by owlmaid »

I'm thinking about trying some of these listed below and was wondering if anyone had tried them and had any advice. . .

Crystal Meth (does it really freak you out? Is there any kind of high afterwards?)

And info on any of these is welcome and appreciated!
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by arijas »

yeah i tried divinorum actually i dint get any effetc afer dose just during the dose my head started to spin like crazy!i thought like i was somewhere other place but when i smiled.. and evrytinhg was over.. and genesis is just excactly like it says in description it was fun after dose it was good .. :D
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by Sloth »

I have tried Divnorum, part of Nightshade, and Bufo)Toad

Divinorum didn't get me high, rather, it made me think deeply on who meant anything to me and who I should be closer to. Pretty eye-opening if you ask me

I only did fifteen minutes of Nightshade because I was interrupted, but for those 15 minutes, my skin got ice cold, but under my skin was burning hot, very weird

Bufo)Toad caused my head to feel like I was having it move back and forth constantly, and I was laying perfectly still. Very freaky
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by _Benny_MeXXcaline_ »

I tried it all but I was focusing only in GHB(I was like drunk after and I was euphoric but there are stronger dose)Bufo)toad(I had a beautiful sensation of power and comfort of my body,i felt like if I was a ball...)
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by Sloth »

I have tried Yerba Mate recently (it is reviewed on my journal post)
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by dp100 »

is yerba any good? I really want to try it but I don't want to waste 30 minutes for an effect I could get from a QH dose.
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by crazycupcake »

Actually I just tryed yerbamate, and I just felt really relaxed almost flying, and a little bit I don't know... sleepy... It was such a good experience for me, I think you should try when you get nervous or something.... that's really good :-D
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by owlmaid »

I've since tried GHB and Genesis. You have to really concentrate to get anything out of Genesis, and even then I didn't think it was that good. I like the doses that really stone you out though, and Genesis made my body wake up too much for me. It does sort of clear you though.
GHB was pretty cool, not as intense as some others I've tried, but it's really relaxing. Plus it's only 20 minutes, doesn't last quite as long as some others, so I use it if I know I'm going to have to do something sort of soon. I feel it's worth doing.
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by Chill_Cucumber »

I have tried Divinorum YerbaMate (today actually) Genesis, and yeah...

Divinorum is.. and has been my FAVORITE DOSE for over 2 years..

YerbaMate is a really good CHILL OUT dose that does exactly what the description says it will, and you feel a slight "nirvana" like euphoria, and a really good buzz without losing your mental/physical awareness..

Genesis.. I think I tried twice now.. and well, I don't know it was a lot like Divinorum but more of a "high", Divinorum is just a SOUL TRIP, you will have a really interesting experience that differs everytime, and with genesis is was just very long... it made me VERY HOT afterwards almost to the point of needing water every second for about 10 minutes, and yeah I guess it was a "refreshing" cleansing.

I would need to experiment again.. but between gen and divinorum were very close to me and I always prefer Divinorum
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by dp100 »

tried it now, and it's awesome. Not exactly the description but close.
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by MinsQ23 »

BufoToad is the best one of those....
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Re: anyone tried YerbaMate or. . . (look below)

Post by Zukamimotu »

I had obscene religious experiences on divinorum. Crystal Meth made me tweak out, but it wasn't that bad. Wasn't a fan of Genesis and I haven't really done nightshade or Bufo)Toad.
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