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Post by masterjedi343 »

lol Brucie. funny guy. anyway would the testosterone make you feel tougher and stronger or angry as well?
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Post by TooBig4Joo »

Shit! I remember that guy now from GTA4 haha.

Anyways, as i stated above test shouldnt make you "angry". It will generally make you more of a "man", with all the good and bad things that entails.

For me, im more confident, stronger and generally in a better mood while "on". Ive done 4 cycles and have not once experienced and 'roid rage or unusual anger, quite the opposite in fact. Im fairly convinced meat-heads play the 'roid rage card to justify thier lapses of self-control. Im not saying it doesnt happen, different drugs affect people differently, but test has never done anything but make me feel better about myself.

Test will: make you stronger, bigger (mostly due to temporary water-weight), more confident and generally give you a sense of well-being. Side effects are increased acne, possibly increased chances of colon cancer and testicular atrophy, which comes back in full with a proper PCT. Those bad side effect i listed wouldnt be an issue with a small increased natural test level, which is what i-doser im sure would do, if it is even capable of doing it. This is natural test that would be stimulated and increased, not test artificially added to your body. There is a HUGE difference.

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Post by takayaka »

if testosterone can b done, y not estrogen???
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Post by TooBig4Joo »

I think Testosterone would be useless anyways unless I-Doser could actually stimulate real, natural test production. The effect on your mind is much too minor and unnoticable to make it simply for the mental effect.
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Post by oscar »

takayaka wrote:if testosterone can b done, y not estrogen???
why the hell would you want estrogen.

Estrogen ftl, all it has done is given me bitch tits while I bulk
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Re: testosterone

Post by cookiekangaroo »

This one's a good idea for any trans-men who don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on testosterone prescriptions, such as myself. I think it's a great idea just for that reason, but also for men who have lower testosterone levels, bodybuilders who don't want to resort to steroids, women interested in a more lively sex life, etc. it wouldn't be hard to make either, as testosterone goes up naturally by sound anyway at roughly 333 harts.
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Re: testosterone

Post by grazman »

Although there might not be a testosterone or estrogen dose yet, there IS a pheromone dose, so I guess that could be considered a testosterone/estrogen dose. Who knows, it COULD work the same way, IDK.
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