My First Few Experiences

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My First Few Experiences

Post by Minoru »

Hello fine members of I-doser forums! I recently downloaded the I-Doser program, and bought a few doses that looked interesting. I was to be honest, a little skeptical. I tried the Alcohol dose with the lights on, eyes open, completely unfocused; obviously no results. But then I saw an advertisement for the guide. I decided to get that as well, why not?

In my opinion, the guide is amazing and almost needed for new i-dosers. It taught me to focus correctly, and after reading it, I decided to give this another shot. The next day, I queued up Condition and Absinthe. To my surprise, it worked superbly! I felt almost exactly as the description said it could make me feel!

And just a few minutes ago, I dosed with Condition and OpiumQH, and I'm impressed yet again. I definitely don't feel high, but I feel... simply amazing!

Haha, I suppose that sums my first experiences up. Thank you I-doser team, I can't wait to have more experiences with your awesome product (:

Just to make sure people have something to actually reply with; any recommendations for doses I could try next?
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Re: My First Few Experiences

Post by zoobob1 »

Nice job man, you make me want to use condition before doses now! Definetly try Heroin, 5x better then Opium. And Demerol gives you a nice euphoricish relaxed feeling for like an hour afterwards without condition.
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Re: My First Few Experiences

Post by Minoru »

I tried Trip, but forgot to use Reset and Condition beforehand. I was mildly mind-wandery, but stayed focused for a very good duration of it. It was a pretty awesome feeling for the whole trip, but after the dose ended the feelings dropped off almost immediately. I may go more into detail about it later.

I'll probably try Heroin next
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