Posting Reviews press releases
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Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:00 pm

Posting Reviews

Post by idoser »

We love that many of you use our forums to share your dose reviews. In the past few years, our online forum has become a great history of experiences you have had with binaural dosing. The depth of detail and level of effectiveness is something we knew possible with our technology, but you have captured and expressed the essence of it like we could never have imagined.

We would also like to remind you to please use other outlets as well! You have many outlets for expression in today's era of online social circles. Why not take the time to re-dose, and share experiences of old and new in these outlets:

The I-Doser Forum Experience Posts are here in this forum. Read and share! It helps spread the word in I-Doser's own social forum:

I-Doser is a best-selling program for both Windows and Mac. Every user of the software (over 1 million and counting) can read and share experiences. Share with them, as well! This is a much-read outlet and linked to by a huge user base:

Don't forget to share within your own social circles on facebook, twitter, or your favorite online social network. Odds are you have loads of friends who would love to experience I-Doser with you. Grow our community on these networks!

The more that know, the more we can allocate to amazing advances in binaural dosing.