SadLittlePony wrote:Ok haha I dont really believe too much in the 8 gates myself but I do believe that we have spiritual energy and that we can control it. But regardless if you had a dose that can stimulate the pineals growth and allowed you to see things you wouldn't normally see would you use it and why?
Wow lol i would've used it because maybe there is energies and another life form we cannot see with our eyes at my religion its said that there is creatures we can't see.. same with christians.. so ya i would give it a try for sure.. just if I'm going to be okay.. and we can have sex with mysterious creatures j/k
Well I ain't gonna lie if some sexy anthropomorphic creatures suddenly appeared on earth I would want to do the same thing to them. Hell maybe even bring one into my life perminantly. I really don't think religion has anything to do with it though. At this point its practically been proven that we have spirits. Have you ever wondered why dogs bark at weird things or babies cry for no reason or seem to be looking at something not there. I think if we can stimulate the pineal gland with daily exercise with something like a Dose I think we could see these things.
Ya.. at ancient times they used to draw the great monks on the walls like buddha they've got yellow circles of the divine around their heads.. recently when we caught aura pictures we found that there is really yellow circle around our heads.. and it gets bigger when you are peacuful and lovely person.. like seriously these ancient people saw auras.. there is people who can still see auras (monks) its said that new born kids has their brains balanced in the both hemispheres thats why they see unnormal things.. by the time we grow we don't use our hemispheres in the right way thats why we cannot see auras.. it would be awesome to have a dose for it.. so u can know if the person u r talking to is a good person or a good one.
One day I went to the bathroom right. I left the lights off and the door was closed. The only light coming in was just enough to see vague figures. Well I noticed while I was peeing that I could stare at things and make them vanish. I used to do this as a child. And then for some reason I remembered my mother telling me that if I look in the mirror in the dark I will see my demons. So I did regardless of believing it or not.
I then though hey I wonder if I can make myself vanish and I did but around where my body should have been I saw a bright yellow aura protruding from my body. Like you said the only people ever depicted with the yellow aura were spiritual people who had a lot of love and such. I was completly amazed and I made a picture of what I saw which you can see Here (NSFW: Tasteful Nudity)
But yellow isnt the only color either. Your aura can change shape and size depending on your mood and spiritual activity too. Now the part that got me is that the average persons aura is only about an inch from their body. Mine was bright and fiery like in the picture. That kinda blows be away.
Very interesting.. I've read alot about auras and this is what yellow color means :
spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening,inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative,playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.
Bright lemon-yellow: Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.
Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.
Dark brownish yellow or gold: A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analitical to the
point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.
I would say it was a light pale color yellow and for the record I am not trying to claim I am a spiritual leader. I am just really amazed at what I saw that immediately I had to photoshop something so people knew what I was talking about.
Ya.. maybe your vision is very good thats why u saw ur aura.. and like seriously that yellow reading completely tells all about you haha.. you are very dam excited to explore new things (very strong doses) haha I'm still feared to try QuickHappy.
and sorry for late reply i was at school having a class
I have not actually used Quick Happy but I used French Roast and its the same length and it works. Its like downing a cup of coffee before i get to work. Quite nice. And yeah thats another reason why I was so excited to share the aura picture because it does offer insight into my life.
I honestly don't think its that easy to solve dear. The brain is so complex that to say that stimulating the pineal gland you mix theta, alpha, and beta. that is a huge range waves to play around in.
Looks like there IS a beat for pineal glad stimulation. Its called 5HTP under Calm.
I can tell you, that it does work. I get the same exact kind of headache from using it as I do with normal pineal gland meditations. Its centered right where the ajna chakra is when you use this dose. So if anyone is interested in stimulating it, give 5HTP a try. So far however from both pinael gland meditations and 5HTP I havent seen anything but the headhaches, but as I understand it once you start working your pineal gland out you get those kinds of headaches, then one day they stop, usually accompanied by a event (typically a vision of some sort, involving flashing lights and colors with your eyes closed) that signals the gland/third eye awakening.
Just a warning though, sometimes the awakening can be extreme, I've heard of visions of future events happening and loss of balance while you get it of course it could be you getting high naturally on DMT depending on what you believe, but it still can be a sudden and random shock regardless if you believe in visions or DMT highs.