Does anyone else...?

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Does anyone else...?

Post by Unnamed »

Does anyone else when in a deep trance or relaxed state and really focused on the static or beats or whatever, hear a sort of high pitched tone on top of it all?

It sounds exactly like your ears are ringing, at the exact same frequency. It doesn't hurt and it isn't uncomfortable, in fact it kind of makes the dose effect me even more when it happens.

My only guess is that I'm somehow hearing the frequency created by my brain(as it really does sound like its coming from me, not the headphones, the first few times it happened i actually got a bit worried)from the two differing ones from the beats(i had heard the reason they used higher frequencies was because we couldn't hear the ones that low, which is why i'm finding it a bit odd).

I tested this out tonight, when they were really strong i slowly reached over and pulled off my headphones, and they dissapeared right as they were pulled away, so I'm pretty sure i'm actually hearing something, something that it takes a really long time to hear(took me awhile to get it back even after taking em off for only a second).

So...anyone else? Admin, is my guess possible? It would make sense with the intensification if I'm focusing on the actual frequency that produces the effects(and it's so much easier to focus on, actually the opposite of uncomfortable really pleasant).
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Post by Pants »

When using doses, I've heard the static / white noise, and the different tones of "UFO" beeps. I think the ringing is just a solid pace of beeps that sounds like one continuous sound; I've heard it and I know it's coming from the headphones.

Curiously, I've also heard what I thought were VERY low-pitch tones, much quieter than everything else. I can't tell through the rest of the sounds, but now I'm thinking they're actually voices of a male or female. Of course, when using a dose intended to induce hallucinogenic experiences, it's hard to say if that's legitimate or not.
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Post by Unnamed »

Heh yea hearing voices is a fairly common hypnogagnic experience, were you really out of it/detached at the time?

The rining in the ear is different, and happens when I'm totally connected, but also when I'm connected to listening to the beats. It's like how focusing on the static and have you hear stuff under it almost, but again it doesn't sound like I'm hearing it at all(even though i know i am), especially from the headphones, it sounds like my ears are actually ringing.

Add that to how hard it is to actually hear without concentration or focus made me wonder about being able to hear the third frequency(the binaural beats work by putting one frequency in one ear and one in the other, making the two hemispheres of the brain work together to make a third, the difference between the two and the frequency that we are supposed to be synching ourselves to).
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Post by Pants »

I may or may not have been detached at the time; I was resting on my bed with my eyes closed, so it's hard to say whether or not I was for sure. =)

As far as the ringing goes, I'm not really sure what to say. Is it consistent throughout multiple different doses? I know that some doses that I've tried have a "finale" to them, in which the "UFO noises" are dropped in lieu of a solid, high-pitched quivering tone. Perhaps the doses you have tried all feature this - you did say it only happens once in a deeper state, correct?

Like you said, if you don't hear it when the headphones are off, then it's most likely coming from the headphones. However, I could see how that would make taking doses difficult. Does adjusting the volume help at all?
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Post by Unnamed »

No actually as I said it makes taking the doses even easier, and yes it happens on just about every dose I take now(i can tell the difference between the high pitched tones at the end of some doses and the ringing), and usually doesn't take more then a couple of minutes for me to bring it out now.

Some ones are harder to hear then others, and it does seem like the more I listen to one the easier it is to hear the ringing, and focusing on it still produces much greater effects(continually growing in intensity actually).
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Post by Pants »

Well maybe you unlocked part of your brain and can hear that third sound created by the binaural beats. I don't know, but I don't get it. If it works, though, roll with it!
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Post by garrettw87 »

i doubt it. my ears get to ringing after a while too. it feels like my ears are just tired of hearing these constant sounds at constant volumes. when i take my headphones off, the soft sound of our a/c running sounds slightly garbled or distorted, and no its not from taking a hallucinogenic dose (cuz i haven't even gotten those to work on me yet).
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