A-Bomb, The first trip

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A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by masonraus »

Well good morning dosers. I just finished the A-Bomb dose and i would figure i would share my experience.

Laying in my bed, no blindfold aprox. 0540. Rooted stock R800x (Verizon Xperia Play). I-doser premium converted A-bomb mp3. Skullcandy Ink'd 2 earbuds.

Well now that the info is out of the way, we can get to the experience.

DISCLAIMER: Don't let my experience influence how you think the dose will work. As with all doses, experiences can, and, more often than not, will, vary significantly. Let this experience/review add to the description of the dose and only let it further convince you to buy the dose.

This dose was pitched to me and many other forum members as a beginner dose. I agree with this fact because it was intense but it wasn't so intense that I felt out of control or in a panic. I highly reccommend this to anyone wanting to try out i-doser.

I was really anxious to try i-doser as I wasn't sure what it would do, how well it would work, or how I would react. I got encouragement from friends and some discouragement from the internet, but that is how it is with most things, isn't it?

At the begging of the dose, it starts at a really low beat frequency. I'm not going to pretend to know what it is but it was low enough to feel the beat washing back and forth from my left to right ears. I didn't feel it speeding up for a while and it was putting me into a really relaxed state. My skin felt cold despite being under two blankets.

Then the dose sped up and I felt my chest getting tighter and my heart rate speeding up. This invoked a small amount of a curious fear; like when you hear noises in your house and you are adventurous enough to go see what it is. The dose plateaued for what seemed like a long time. It felt as if i was getting a little warmer than before; about to how I would normally feel when laying down in my bed.

Then the dose comes back with a noticeable pitch jump. From there, the dose only gets faster. The fear felt earlier comes back, and its stronger! White noise is introduced here and it adds to the dose by giving it some extra depth. It reminded me of the feeling I get when I play horror games, like Amnesia, and I know something is there but I'm not quite sure where it is.

It just keeps going and then, when it couldn't get any higher, the white noise drops out. All that was left was the peak, or the explosion for this dose. The beat frequency drops, euphoria washed over me. It felt amazing like no other experience I have had before. I cannot come close to describing it with words.

After the peak, the dose brought me back down and relaxed me back to how I was before the dose. A feeling of success came over me from just completing my first dose.

This dose starts you off low and brings you up really high only to put you back at normal. Waves of euphoria, a large build up, short ending and mild fear characterize this dose. Bottom line, buy this dose. It is great for beginners and dosers of all kinds.

Have a nice day :mrgreen:
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by SadLittlePony »

Beautifly written review. This is fantastic! I really hope you keep writing like this. Especially if you do a dose I dont have.
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by masonraus »

Thanks a lot! I will do my best to keep writing this way. :D
What doses don't you have? I'm always looking for new stuff to try. :)
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by SadLittlePony »

Look at my roundup thread. I reviewed all that I have.
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by masonraus »

Alright I'll check that out. I know I have the doses V and ESP. Also a lot of others :-)
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by SadLittlePony »

http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10596 heres the link. I was just on my tablet so I was being lazy cause copying links on a tablet is a pain in the butt. But yeah keep up the reviews. This is great.
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by masonraus »

lol thanks :) i bookmarked it a couple days ago to keep it on hand as i find your reviews amazing and informative :D Now i can use it to gauge what doses I should try next.
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by Galaio »

Glad to hear you had success with this dose! :D
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by •ŜKЯ†ĽĽєχ• »

masonraus wrote:lol thanks :) i bookmarked it a couple days ago to keep it on hand as i find your reviews amazing and informative :D Now i can use it to gauge what doses I should try next.
You have very good writing skills, and i am sincerely looking forward to your next review! thanks :D
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by masonraus »

Any time :) I'm glad you enjoyed. Any doses you would like me to try out?
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by •ŜKЯ†ĽĽєχ• »

masonraus wrote:Any time :) I'm glad you enjoyed. Any doses you would like me to try out?
Yes, i dont know if you have already reviewed it but it is the Adrenochrome dose. Thanks :)
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by masonraus »

I have not tried it. To be honest, I'm new and that frightens me at the moment. If you noticed the user SadLittlePony, she has done a review on Adrenochrome right here :)

I'll get around to it sometime :-D
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by •ŜKЯ†ĽĽєχ• »

masonraus wrote:I have not tried it. To be honest, I'm new and that frightens me at the moment. If you noticed the user SadLittlePony, she has done a review on Adrenochrome right here :)

I'll get around to it sometime :-D
thanks :)
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by SadLittlePony »

masonraus wrote:I have not tried it. To be honest, I'm new and that frightens me at the moment. If you noticed the user SadLittlePony, she has done a review on Adrenochrome right here :)

I'll get around to it sometime :-D

Its a pretty good dose I recommend itt.
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Re: A-Bomb, The first trip

Post by Nick420 »

wow!i like youre reviews,this post made me confident to go for a A-BOMB,so soon im gonna try it to!
Peace & Love to you my Idoser friend ;-)
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