[White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

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[White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

For information about the author of this review and the review methodology please visit: http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10845

[White Crosses]

From iDoser:
"White Crosses / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes White Crosses is a strange one. When the team that invented this dose showed it at our monthy dose meeting, it was greeted with a bunch of confused faces. Describe it, we said. OK. White Crosses is a simple stimulant that brings a sense of euphoria, openness, and intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users. Fine. When we put on the headphones, and White Crosses finished, we couldn't believe it. This underground bastard-dose that has been talked about in the halls of I-Doser Labs turned out to blow the minds of everyone who tried it. THAT says a lot for White Crosses."

The Review

Before I begin just a little note to say prior to this I listened to the Adderal dose. This gave me more focus and allowed me to become more fully involved with the White Crosses experience.

White Crosses begins with a steady hum. It's pleasant to listen to and feels quite comfortable, nice, and after a spending a few moments with it I feel a little warm on the inside. As the hum continues these feelings increase. My legs begin to tingle and I feel a sense of clarity. Nothing too profound yet but something is changing. At around the 4 minute mark I get a shiver throughout my body, it begins in my legs and spreads it's way to my finger tips. It's short lived but very enjoyable.

An odd sense of deja vu begins to overwhelm me. My mind is being cast back, back to forgotten memories, and although I can't make out the detail they feel particularly friendly and welcoming. The tempo of the hum increases and I start to feel like an old friend is comforting me - giving me a hug. I hear birds in the distance. I can picture myself standing at the beach, my feet in the sand, my being on the shore. I can hear the waves slowly crashing on to the land. I can feel a gentle breeze cooling my skin.

I'm 10 minutes into the dose and I start to feel quite okay about any decisions I've made in the past. Nothing specific but just in general - I conclude that every decision I've ever made and every action I've ever taken has led me to this exact point, and at this point I am completely okay.

The tempo of the beat changes once again and I find myself entering a brightly lit forest. I hear rain in the distance. As the dose presses on I find myself approaching a clearing. Sunlight streams through and creates a huge luminescent halo upon the open space before me. In the center is a wide, but short, tree stump. I approach it. Its wood consists of very intricate patterns and I can see the sunlight cascading off the points of the wood that deflect upwards. This is a very peaceful place and I feel quite calm, with a hint of excitement regarding what will happen next.

The dose reaches it's halfway point and I begin to feel like I'm entering free fall. This feeling levels off quite quickly however and the next thing I know I'm back in the forest's clearing. To my left, some distance away I see an old hut-like house. I now have two interfering visions - one at the beach and one in the forest. Each one seems to alternate repeatedly. In the beach vision my focus is on the horizon, where in the distance mountain ranges can be seen. In the forest I'm focused on the sunlight, which is bouncing off the yellow straw roof of the house.

One word in particular comes to mind about the whole experience thus far - gentle. I make a mental note that I am mentally enjoying this then quietly return to my 'trip.' I hear birds again. The beach vision begins to become more prominent than that of the forest and the sound of the waves amplifies considerably.

With around 10 minutes to go the sound of the water changes and my vision is now that of myself standing on the water in the middle of the sea. The water is crystal-blue and is the most beautiful color I have ever seen. Sunlight radiates off the water and fills my body with warmth. This sudden temperature transition elicits a shiver. I glide across the water towards the mountain ranges in the distance. As I get close to them they seem large but not ominous. I approach the sandy shore that lies at the base of the mountains. I can hear the water lapping up against the moderately sized rocks that litter the waters edge. I feel very serene and I start becoming overwhelmed by an extraordinary sense of freedom.

To my right, in front of me, is a mountain. Its surface quite sheer and impossible to climb. It stands almost vertical. To my left is a small forest. I make the realization that this is the other side of the same forest I was in earlier. I clamber my way up the shore to the path that leads through the forest and before long I find myself back in the clearing. The tree-stump from earlier however is now gone. I hear rain again.

I stop and take everything in. I take a deep breath and mumble the word wow aloud. I now find myself standing in the center of the clearing, spinning around and around in circles. Despite this spinning I don't feel dizzy but instead just feel remarkably at ease and free. I feel like a child again. A bluebird lands beside me and seems to be giving me a look of contented happiness. This mirrors the way I am feeling at this point. I smell a hint of smoke so I turn and look at the hut and see said smoke billowing out of the chimney.

The dose begins to end and I'm granted one last vision of the beach scene before the entirety of my experience fades away into white light. As the dose finishes I find myself back in my chair, completely bedazzled. With a continued sense of freedom and an enhanced appreciation of color I continue about my day.


White Crosses is pure fantasy. It feels like a fairy tale, it's trippy to the point of making you feel like you have left your seat (or bed) entirely and are now in a fictional land of great splendor. As you just read, my trance like visions consisted of breathtaking forests and wonderous oceans. I feel that this dose reaches to the creative center of your very being (or soul, if you will), and uses that center to paint amazing images upon the canvas that greets your third eye.

This was a highly enjoyable experience, and one of my favorites so far. I leave the dose with a feeling of acceptance, freedom and peace. The places I visited in my visions were fantastic, and I hope I can return there soon. The iDoser description of this dose suggests the psychedelic component may fade with repeated use but I hope this is not the case.

The 'high' granted by White Crosses takes place mostly in your mind. I did get a few bodily sensations like shivering, a sense of free-fall, spinning and a feeling of gliding over water. This dose took me quite far from reality before bringing me gently back, and for that I thank it.

Body: 7.0/10
Mind: 9.5/10
Overall Change: 9.5/10
Fun Factor: 9.0/10

Overall Rating: 8.75

I hope you enjoy this review and look forward to bringing you others. Please use the rest of this thread to offer feedback, ask questions, and share your own experiences with the White Crosses dose.

Thank you and enjoy :)
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by csocializt »

Your reviews are fantastic, keep doing them :)
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

Thank you for the feedback. My goal is to acquire, experience and review every dose available. :D
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by csocializt »

Sweet. How often do you think you'll be putting out reviews? What doses do you have currently have and which are you going to purchase next?
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by spiritguy »

kagalive wrote:Thank you for the feedback. My goal is to acquire, experience and review every dose available. :D
I would like to hear your experiences on Overdose MP3 as I guess you already have the MP3 pack.
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

spiritguy wrote: I would like to hear your experiences on Overdose MP3 as I guess you already have the MP3 pack.
I do indeed have this pack and will be trying OD very very soon. Expect a review in the next day or so.
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by SadLittlePony »

I always love white crosses reviews. Thank you for posting yours, there is so little known of white crosses so its always neat to hear what it does to people.
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

White Crosses is definitely a mind-opening dose. I hope to try Black Sunshine soon, as I think it's kind of the inverse of this dose. The site dose mention it's a seroquel dose though, not sure what to expect from that as I've taken real seroquel many times and never gotten much recreational use out of it. Oh well, just have to wait and see I guess!
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by SadLittlePony »

Are you sure? I thought it was a sequel dose to white crosses.
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

Oh wow, it says Sequel, not seroquel hahaha.

Interesting mistake to make, guess I listened to Xanak one too many times yesterday :p Thanks for pointing that out. :-)
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by VampLena »

Any plans to hit the Gates of Hades Kagalive? It certainly cant be worse then overdose!
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Re: [White Crosses] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

Yeah I do plan on doing GoH and HoG eventually. It will be some time before I get to these though. Probably just be doing the mp3 versions as the premium ones are quite pricey.
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