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Post by Nick420 »

Hello idoser this time i was working on this post for a while it icludes ACID,MORNING G,LSD,TRIP. There was left two doses like peyote and DMT but these two im gonna review later cuz i cant concentrate on these doses cuz everytime i play them somebody is gonna distract me yea,lets start the dosing?

ACID / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes

The acid dose recreates the psychoactive experience: general change in consciousness, difficulty focusing, unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goose bumps, body energy), unusual thoughts and speech, change in perception of time, quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, giddiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation), slight increase in body temperature and a feeling of unity will abound as this dose rushes through the paces. This dose will come on very strong, with an initial burst followed by a stream of conscious mellowing that fades into bliss. The first bump is a big one, and quite jarring, so be prepared for the ride of your life.

So acid,hah interesting dose but nothing much imma tell you ;D.
I started listening to dose 5min in my face started feeling numb.
10min in my face was starting to feel number and number,then it felts like im having a long bear :D.
15min in my body started to feel numb.
and other 15min it was just randnom lights passing by my eyes,and mellow feeling :]
when i took my bandana of my eyes the colors where super bright not like beutiful but bright!!!haha
So the dose was pretty nice for mellow feelings ;D

Morning Glory / Hallucinogenic (Strong) / 30 Minutes

The seeds of several varieties of Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring indole called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Effects are emotional and sensory. The user's emotions may shift rapidly through a range from fear to euphoria, with transitions so rapid that the user may seem to experience several emotions simultaneously. Hallucinations distort or transform shapes and movements, and they may give rise to a perception that time is moving very slowly or that the user's body is changing shape. On some trips, users experience sensations that are enjoyable and mentally stimulating and that produce a sense of heightened understanding.

ahh morning glory sound like a morning on holidays haha :D.
Lets get to the dose shall we :D
5min in i was starting to feel my body spacing out,the beat was realixndmway much better then acid ;D.
10min in i was seening visuals of flashing lights and still my body was driftin and feeling lost in space.
15min in i were starting to feel my head like tickling and lightness feeling.
20min in i where seening somekind of head;faces shapes but not corectly just like white faces and head shapes.
and when the dose ended i were feeling great just like i said morning on holidays haha :D
overall dose was nice :]

LSD / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes

LSD is the best known and most researched psychedelic. It is the standard against which all other psychedelics are compared. It is active at extremely low doses, and we have captured its?€™ essence in binaural form. Expect the following with the LSD dose, and in a very strong initial onset: increase in energy (stimulation), increase in associative and creative thinking, mood lift, increased awareness and appreciation, increased awareness of senses, closed and open eye visuals ?€¦ and a profound life-changing spiritual experience.

Lsd remind me of acid nothing much but its more intense.
5min in deep relax.
10min in im starting to see colors no just white colors,but colorful stuff like rainbows.
15-35min i were in deep trance flying around space seening rainbows,funny huh?:D

Trip / Recreational (Very Strong) / 35 Minutes

This is a pure model recreation of a hallucinogenic experience based on standard psilocybin. You will feel open-eye visual effects, lights gain auras, star-pattern effects, rainbowing around lighting, lights seem brighter and often more beautiful. You may experience feelings of time-dilation, belonging and connection, and increased emotional sensitivity. Gain a new perspective on current lifestyle and behaviors, feelings of connection with those around you, noticing things which are normally ignored or taken for granted, feelings of wonder, spirit, joy, sadness, despair, religious awakening, contentment and possibly latent psychological feelings can come out. Often referred to as our most powerful and life-altering dose, it is for this reason we DO NOT recommend it for everyone. Treat it as you would any other long trip. One of the most interesting effects is the feeling of awakening for the first time ever from a previous state of sleep, of liberation from what is now seen as a life-long state of bondage.

Trip wasnt anything big as i tought,but it was cool with feelings :O
5-10min i felt like my body gettin really warm like hot i tought somebody set me on fire :D
10-20 min i felt like there is no gorund(i was laying on ground ;D)the ground was getting jelly and i started to sink in it,my body started fading out of reality.
20-35min i was trippin with that sinking feeling :D
when i got my bandana of like always color colors colrs :D,but this time it was amazing feeling like waking up after a good sleep :)

Thanks for paying attention to my long post :P
please comment and share youre experience its really interesting for me,thank you again :)
Peace & Love to my Idoser friends :]
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Post by masonraus »

Did you dose these al in succession or is this just collective?
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Post by badpup »

Haha thanks for this :D I was wondering how much different or similar they would be...
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Post by MS-DOSE »

lol about what you said about the ACID and face experience. I had almost the same, it felt like a part of my face was melting and the other part felt so cold, like it was freezing off. I'm going to use that dose now.
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Post by SadLittlePony »

Nice multireview. reminds me of when I first started. Thanks for sharing and I hope to see continued reviews come from your direction
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Post by Nick420 »

masonraus wrote:Did you dose these al in succession or is this just collective?
cant say its sucsses yea its more of a colective,but dont forget we all still work on some doses,practice.pratice and practice :D
-Spread Love & Peace we dont live forever :)
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Post by Nick420 »

SadLittlePony wrote:Nice multireview. reminds me of when I first started. Thanks for sharing and I hope to see continued reviews come from your direction
whoaw im thankful you like my reviews :oops: :-D
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Post by Nick420 »

badpup wrote:Haha thanks for this :D I was wondering how much different or similar they would be...
ya welcome bud :D
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Post by Nick420 »

MS-DOSE wrote:lol about what you said about the ACID and face experience. I had almost the same, it felt like a part of my face was melting and the other part felt so cold, like it was freezing off. I'm going to use that dose now.
haha cool bro,have you had any hallucinations ?? :D
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