[Ether] - Review by Kagalive

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[Ether] - Review by Kagalive

Post by kagalive »

For information about the author of this review and the review methodology please visit: http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10845

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From iDoser:
Ether / Stimulant (Very Strong) / 20 Minutes Its influence is very quickly diffused over the body, causing an increased frequency of pulse, and excitement of the nervous system, especially of the brain, attended with a sense of fullness of the head and feelings of exhilaration. These are followed by drowsiness and after a short time not infrequently with perspiration, after which the effects pass off with more or less depression as your brain slowly resets.

The Review:

As a pick me up Ether packs a serious punch. It starts off hard and fast and within the first few minutes I feel a rush coming on. I feel slightly on edge and my body begins to tingle. I can feel my thoughts speeding up, not quite racing but definitely accelerated. I have a sense of excitement about me. My mood is lifted and I feel 'light' all over.

The 'wish-wash' whirring of the noise continues and the beat pounds on as I feel my heart beating in my chest. I think my heart rate is increasing, it definitely feels heavier. I feel faster, better, stronger... I feel 'quickened'. I feel quite alert and exhilarated. Just like the description said. I begin to understand what they meant by 'fullness of the head' as my brain races along at 100mph. My thoughts cascade back and forth rapidly, jumping from topic to topic. It's hard to stay completely focused and I feel like I've been given a taste of ADD.

The pace of the tones slows down and I begin to feel more on top of things. I still feel a rush and it feels very nice. My breathing deepens and my heart seems to slow up somewhat. I feel a little jittery, kind of like a caffeine high but more pleasant. I'm tickled with little hints of euphoria but not to the point of being overwhelmed.

The drone of the noise slows even more and seems to sound deeper. My focus increases and although I still feel sped-up I feel a lot more in control of my thoughts. It's a little hard to sit still and listen, I really feel like getting up and doing something, anything - I need to be moving. I press on and try my own patience, forcing myself to stay seated and listen to the rest of the dose.

The second half of the dose is a lot more intoxicating than the first. I feel a combination of speed like high with semi drunkeness. My hands feel clammy and my body is tingling with electrical sensations -light ones but very noticeable. I feel more and more 'out of it' as the dose continues, I feel rather silly. I get the urge to listen to loud music and dance around the house, but I repress it for now. I may succumb to it once the dose is over.

My body breaks out in a cold sweat. It's not a big deal, I barely notice it but it's enough to know that something is happening. I begin to feel on top of the world. I feel more and more charged. Like as if I've just awoken from an incredibly restful sleep. I still feel a little hazy, a bit dizzy and in the mood to act like a fool. I feel like giggling.

The dose reaches it's final quarter and the feelings from before continue but in a more pronounced way. I'm even more focused, despite begin in a silly mood. I feel quite improved. I'm also more motivated - I feel like doing things, which is not the norm for me - I'm prone to be lazy usually. Despite my feelings of quickness I feel rather calm and as the dose slowly fades away I'm left feeling very nice indeed! Sped-up, full of energy and very alert. Calm and focused yet jumpy at the same time.

No other dose has left me feeling quite the way Ether has. It's like a mixture of adderall and alcohol. I feel funny. Strange. Happy. Giggly. Excited. Over-Hyped. I feel good. These feelings continue for quite some time after the dose is finished. Towards the end of the dose I developed a slight headache but I'm unsure as to whether or not it was related to Ether.

Ether is an interesting experience. If you want to feel racy, drunk and silly but focused at the same time it might be a good choice for you. It's a powerful dose and for only 20 minutes I think it really delivers. Good fun and good value. I would listen to this one again, a number of times.

Body: 8.0/10
Mind: 8.5/10
Overall Change: 8.0/10
Fun Factor: 7.0/10

Overall Rating: 7.9/10

I hope you enjoy this review and look forward to bringing you others. Please use the rest of this thread to offer feedback, ask questions, and share your own experiences with the Ether dose.

Thank you and enjoy :)
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Re: [Ether] - Review by Kagalive

Post by Nick420 »

Nice review man ;)
theres not that much people reviewing these kind of doses :D
cool to see somebody try something else ;)
-Spread Love & Peace we dont live forever :)
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Re: [Ether] - Review by Kagalive

Post by badpup »

Ah nice! Been waiting for a review of this...
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Re: [Ether] - Review by Kagalive

Post by FamousxVirus »

The only effects I got from this was my sense of hearing and smell definitley seemed to increase, but that was all.
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