Hand Of God

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Re: Hand Of God

Post by idoserfreak420 »

i tried hand of god it was pretty good.
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by LacrosseDoser »

I tried this out but was reluctant at first thinking "how is a song going to make you high?" but then my friend explained to me its not a high feeling and i needed to approach this with a clear and open mind. After a few minutes i felt as if i was falling through the sky it was amazing! Then suddenly I felt as if someone was face to face with me looking right into my eyelids. This scared me and I opened my eyes immediately! I had to leave shortly after that so I did not have enough time to try again so I looked up the site and I plan on purchasing and trying many more doses! Any suggestions for a newbie?
Edit* I only made it about 15 minutes in and is there any way to get the hand of god without 200$? my friend wont tell me how he got it
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by Sevenfold »

I tried it last night, and for most of it, I felt very relaxed and comfortable and I felt like my bed was rising upward, lifting off the ground and slowly moving back and forth. Then I just went into a sort of state of being barely conscious in a way. I felt like I was asleep and my whole body felt sorta warm inside.
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by evisceration »

Just a heads up, as lsd is metabolized, it gets stored in fat cells. When these fat cells are broken down again you have a "flashback" and these can happen anyehere at anytime, like for example: while your driving...
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by R0DAS »

I didn't try lsd yet, so i just want to know how long i should feel the Symptoms...
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by GammaGeorgeX »

None of that stuff happened when I tried HoG, besides the warmth, but I hear other people have felt scared and laughed, plus the bed swinging
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by TwistedAlchemy »

For me my body went numb and afterwards my head felt very clear.
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by omgthatstim »

Sounds pretty cool. Try Gate To Hades next. Actually I really wouldn't recommend that to anyone.
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by Heisenberg »

I used hand of god at a friends house after calling him an idiot for spending 200 bucks on it, even if it is re-usable. sure, I felt different, but not 200 bucks worth.

anybody who legitimately buys this dose is a naive idiot. I believe that some of the doses work. But no 30 minute sound file is worth that much money.
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by Nick420 »

wow great experience,glad to see you have progress with idoser ;) keep it up and pratice :D
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by LucidGamer »

App version of HoG had given me warm sensations but not the rocking/swaying, but I did enjoy many other feelings with my experience !
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by archangel88 »

For me it wasn't that good, although i got these full-body twitches quite a lot and i felt kinda trippy along the dose but nothing amazing happened:/
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Re: Hand Of God

Post by Joe_claus »

male,21, 255

stats in case physical stuff makes a difference.
i really did not keep track of time,..
at first i felt warm. then i warmness sort of went on back burner. it was there but it wasnt the only thing i was feeling.it felt safe, sort of weightlessness. at this point i just closed my eyes and just went with it. In addition to the warm and weightlessness, i felt calm. then i heard somebody with a deep bass voice talking. which was odd considering im home alone. a second voice also started talking. this one sounded more human.
anyways after im guessing 10 minutes of listening to that i went back to being calm.... that was basicly it. im not sure if its related but i got hungry after that.
Legalize It
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Post by Legalize It »

You know a real hit of LSD is only $5? And there are actually no physical or mental side effects at all- despite the left-over propaganda rumours from the hippie-hunting days. And a trip lasts 8 hours. And it's not like "I'm not sure if I was tripping or not." If you're not sure, then you're not tripping.
You're kidding right? What about schizophrenia and bad trips?!?!
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