Hello! I have been using i doser for quite some time now and usually only a lurker on the forums, but now, I wanted to write my review on Thornapple...
First off, I am using Skull Candy headphones, blindfold and .drg file...
I was really drawn to this dose mainly because of the write-up description and some of the prior reviews that I have seen. If the dose is extreme and only 20 mins because of how strong it is, it must be good right?
I always dose laying down and using "Condition". I do not know if it is just me or not, but when I use Condition, it feels as if there is a tapping on my forehead with four fingers in quick succession (you know...usually if someone is impatient and tapping their fingers on the desk starting with the pinkie and working toward the pointer). Anyways, once Condition is complete, it goes right into Thornapple.
Almost immediately, I start having these extremely vivid visions with my eyes closed. They are brightly colored. Some of the visions included rolling up a grassy hill toward a lone tree and bright blue sky. Another included this man riding a huge pair of scissors in space, cutting it as if it were paper and he repeats "You know what kind of person he is"...very odd. Throughout the dose and these visions, I see flashes of light and different colors that appear quickly and disappear, kind of like a lone color from a firework.
This is where the dose ends. I did not have any hallucinations after the fact or anything like that. But the more you dose, the easier it is to get the full effects.
Happy dosing!!
Thornapple review
Re: Thornapple review
What do you do for dosing? I can't get it to work. I've been trying for about 3 days now.
Re: Thornapple review
I always make sure that the house is going to be quiet...the kids are asleep, TV off etc. Some people can dose while they are walking around or on the comp...I need to be focused and non-busy. Also, it helps if the room is pitch dark or you have a good blindfold on. This will prevent outside light distractions and give you better effects.Jdebz wrote:What do you do for dosing? I can't get it to work. I've been trying for about 3 days now.
I highly recommend you purchase "Condition". This is a dose before you dose. Use "Condition" right before you attempt the main dose you are using. It allows your brain to take the dose in easier. You will have better results and more lasting experiences.
I hope this answered your question!!