Prozium Review!

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Prozium Review!

Post by photonmammoth »

Prozium / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes The ups and downs of life can hurt. People can feel happy, sad, depressed, all over an entire gambit of moods and stimulations. Prozium is the answer to an evened-out life, mellow and secure, and able to deal with any of the barriers life can throw in front of you. Do you feel angry? Prozium. Do you feel sad? Prozium. Is something just a little off with you today! PROZIUM! Even out your entire day, and be ready for anything. Dose it in the morning, and drift through the day with ease and confidence. Dose it at night, and be able to deal with the trials and tribulations or family, relationships, or inner chaos. This dose will smooth over your soul. You will never feel so even.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me start off by saying a couple of things. This is the first actual dose I consider taking, because the only other's I've tried has been Hash (quick hit edition, which had an interesting feeling during mind you, and when the headset came off I felt a rush of some sort, but didn't really accomplish what I had imagined) and French roast, which did do quite well what I expected it to do, keep me awake. At this point I wasn't really a firm believer in any of this binaural science, I was more leaning towards: yes, it affects you, but it seems more placebo than anything. Well, Prozium changed everything for me. I feel like a new person. I recommend this to ANYONE. I rate it 10/10, it made me feel incredible.

I will start by explaining my set-up: I laid on my carpet floor with a blanket covering me, a pair of (clean, obviously) briefs to cover my eyes, and a big, torso sized square black fuzzy pillow over-top of my chest for comfort. I slipped on my Razer Tiamat 7.1 gaming headset, and went off into a journey that truly did "smooth out my soul". I started counting from 1,000 all the way down to 0 as I've heard from my friend helps zone you out and assist with the immersion, which it did, but I found this dose rather easy to slide into.

Around what I figure is 50 seconds in, I begin to feel this very warm prickly sensation all up and down my arms, from my shoulders, all the way down to my finger tips. The best way I can explain this to you is the feeling you get when you get submerged into a hot-tub, very relaxing, and this feeling later spread to the rest of my body within a couple of minutes. I felt almost numb, and as if I was in control of my body, but yet I just really never bothered to move it. I noticed that my arms had slumped down and off of the pillow I was holding, and my hands sort of rested on the sides of it, as my body was just soaked in this warm fizzy hot tub, that numbed, and was just incredibly relaxing.

I noticed that as this progressed, my counting of 1,000-0 had completely zone out, and I had skipped all the way to 300, and I started up my counting again at 700, but within about 5 counts I completely zoned out and this is where it starts to play with my mind.

This dose makes your mind SEEM like it's going a mile a minute, and it does ease you into this quite nicely, but the thing is while this is all going on, while you have image after image of dragon, anime, video game, trees, fire flies, clouds, popping in and out of your brain you are in such a state of calm being that you have no reason but to appreciate the beauty in these things. I would even have a couple moments where something that many would consider depressing, or scary pop into my line of thought. For example, today I heard that my ex girlfriend most apparently faked every orgasm. I had that thought, but it just easily popped away with a new one of some kind of cartoony looking wolf that I appreciated, but even DURING the short period negative thoughts entered my mind, I didn't think of them as bad, or unfortunate, it was a state of being that was sort of like "Well, that happened. So what? That's no reason to feel sad!" It's so uplifting.

There was only one or two moments where I can really recall myself recognizing the change in pace of the audio, and that's because there was about two situations where I noticed the images would fly by at a faster rate and send me through this inner world a bit faster, but the thing is that it was never really alarming that it was going faster. It seemed as though my brain within a couple of seconds just easily adjusted to this pace, and the journey I had going for me was just becoming more enriched.

Something I really have to point out, is I know that this can seem really intimidating, I know I read a couple of reviews and kinda got scared over a couple of things some people had experienced, it's not. There was this one point where I saw like a brown/white rotted face that had an eye ball rolled back and it bared it's teeth and looked like something from the evil dead commercial, but from this little warm fuzzy hot tub mind expansion experience, I would see the face, but it never really frightened me. In fact I remember thinking "Oh, I get it now, it's not scary because although it looks all mean, this is like my brain getting rid of all the bad stuff! Like when it flashes, it's gone and I don't have to deal with that upset anymore." Which felt unbelievable, and serene to not have any negative things affecting me.

To expand on that, I would kinda smile and just be generally happy with everything that was happening to me. Nothing seemed to bring me down, and I got into this kinda bubbly school girl kind of attitude almost.

On top of ALL these thoughts, at one point I remember thinking about something so simple as "hmm, y'know, butts are really great." and then I just started thinking about the female body (I'm generally a horny person, I apologize for the small detour) and how amazing it is and just how nice it feels and all sorts of things in this realm where just one simple thought of sandwiches could lead to a whole realm of flavor, and thinking of how a burger is kinda like a sandwich at tier 2.

ANYWAY point is started thinking about the female body at one point and although I was completely numb, I felt a boner slowly sliding up my left thigh and it wasn't even a state of "OOOO I GOTTA PUT MY WEINER IN SOMETHIN' OR I'M GONNA BURST" due to the warm hot tub feeling combined with numbness all over, this kinda just felt like something that was there, but never really needed to be bothered, or acted upon. As stated previously, everything seems to fit into a category of just feeling good, and pleasantry.

As the dose got deeper and deeper, I started to drift off into what I thought to be a nap, which I wasn't surprised at because I had a long day, but there was no way that could've happened because when the dose ended I became alert, and saw it coming. The only explanation being I must of been in a state where I was perfectly awake, but dreaming, and using my mind to miraculous capacities to think of several different items, ideas, and subjects. It made me kind of giggle because when it ended, I almost envisioned in my head a little button on my "Heads Up Display" that said at the very bottom "Thank you for listening to Prozium" and I just sort of nodded and imaginarily clicked on it as it slowly faded out.

Now that this was all over, I opened my eyes and once they adjusted to the lighting in my room (semi-dark) I felt like the world was new. The best explanation I can give you for after this dose, and or during it is an appreciation for anything and EVERYTHING. I literally looked at my two health and mana potion bottles sitting on my window sill, just run of the mill blue and red bottles with corks in them, filled with water, and I had this mentality of: Wow... That's blue, and that's red... THAT'S GREAT xD. It seems ridiculous, and it's something really hard to describe, and hope I haven't bored you with insane amounts of details, I just feel like this one really needs it.

Lastly, just the rest of the day I've been walking around feeling enlightened and so great about myself, that I had troubles not smiling. I even had this one moment where I was walking by my dad to go get food, and kinda kept a straight face, but then I stopped and did a bit of a giggle and a smile attacked my face because I had this silly thought of: "what am I doing, being all serious like this?". The best feeling about this unlimited bank of happiness that I can access now, and immunity to negativity, is that it doesn't feel drug induced in the slightest. This just feels like it's regular old me, going through life day to day and how it should be. No slowed down time, no weird perception of reality, nothing. Just ultimate appreciation.

I really hope you guys check this one out, it certainly gave me a brighter, more peaceful outlook on life.
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Re: Prozium Review!

Post by avemitchell »

:smoke: That was the dankest review of all time 10/10
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Re: Prozium Review!

Post by ngphil22 »

Welcome to the forum! This is by far the most detailed and honest review I have read. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and the "insane amount of details" did not make it any less enjoyable. In fact, they gave me a better indication of what exactly you were experiencing. Thank you ^^
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Re: Prozium Review!

Post by photonmammoth »

ngphil22 wrote:Welcome to the forum! This is by far the most detailed and honest review I have read. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and the "insane amount of details" did not make it any less enjoyable. In fact, they gave me a better indication of what exactly you were experiencing. Thank you ^^
Thanks dude! I'm glad that the detail is appreciated, because I guess for some people I just have a fear of *giant wall of text*. Ech. Why bother. But I'm really glad you stuck through with it and enjoyed it ^_^! Also, something to add, I had no idea how significant the effects were going to be for me, because apparently I was in some deep need of a kinda of reset and there must've been something off with me for awhile, because while I was driving to school today, I literally just looked around me and a couple happy tears just streamed down my face because of how satisfied I was with everything. It was truly life changing =)
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Re: Prozium Review!

Post by ngphil22 »

Hey, I am on an ROTC armed Drill team, and I have been using some of the sport-type sessions available on the mobile app, and I have to say I have been building muscle and getting better at drill with the HGH dose. I get an intense pumped feeling afterwards, and I am building muscle so much faster that I am actually starting to see stretch marks on my arms, and people have been telling me I am getting waaaaaay more buff and muscular! This session, though somewhat experimental, really works. I am cutting down on it a little bit because of the stretch marks, but this is a session I would like to see you try out. write a review on it, and tell me about how it works for you.
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Re: Prozium Review!

Post by photonmammoth »

Sorry this is such a late reply! But in all honesty, I'd really love to, as my arms aren't exactly very built, but my core muscles are rather enjoyable. However there's only one thing that repels me to do something from this, and that is the fact of me not being a very physically avid kind of person xD. I'm a gamer, and if I can avoid physical activity I will. Kinda sad I know, but I seem to be in relatively good shape for my unhealthy attitude. The only thing that bugs me about physical activity is this: I'll be working at like maybe 20-30% capacity, and I break out into sweat. I perspirate like a freakin' tropical forest, and that's probably due to the large amount of fluid that I ingest (I literally am such a thirsty person, that I wash out pickle jars because normal glasses are too small for me). With that being said, I may give it a try in the future some time :) I'm really excited to try everything I-doser has to offer, except for maybe gates of hades, satan's jackhammer, overdose, and masochist. But next I'll probably be doing genesis, divinorum, and creative based ones. Afterwards though, I'll see if I can will myself to sweat and bust out some Rocky theme music xD. Again, sorry for the late reply! been so busy, I haven't really had any "me time" @_@
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