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Post by thehotghost »

if you do happen to become lucid in a dream check this out. LOOK AT YOUR HANDS. make a concious effort to look at your hands in your dream and they should begin to melt away...
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Post by neonglamtrash »

I've had sleep paralysis. NOT FUN AT ALL.
I would hear screaming in my ears, and I would try to open my mouth to scream but nothing would happen and I couldn't move. Slowly I would get my voice back by just fighting to make noises. Eventually I would start screaming.

My parents were never happy when that happened, haha.
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Post by RobDose »

the i0doser store says bufo toad is the strongest...
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Post by -steinz »

None yet, trying genesis tonight
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without i-doser experience

Post by zixor »

my experience without the idoser stuff, long time ago i dreamed a dream where i couldn't make a noise with my lips or call for help and some bad guy was coming towards me, the worst thing of all was that it seemed so real and that experience was terrifying. I haven't tryed Lucid Dreaming yet but if i got that chance to experience something like that again i think i will pass Lucid Dreaming :-( but i'm not quite sure if this was an nightmare or just an regular dream maby u guys can tell me :D
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

Ive had sleeo paralasis many times. It sucks. Id often been in a situation where i was about to die, and i'd be unable to move. I tried to wake myself up but i couldn;t. Its the worst night mares ive ever had. I havnt tried lucid dream yet, but when i do i hope that doesnt happen.

For me the strongest does i have felt so far is hash
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

I just bought Lucid dream. I will post my expierence when i wake up tomorrow morning
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Post by anhevi »

once i had a lucide dream without help of idoser. there was a powerful invisible demon that made me fly around in my room, made me unable to walk or talk and was about to kill me... then i formed a cross with my fingers and expelled it, then i woke up and it all felt so real... afterwards i didnt even feel like i woke up it was like i never slept
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Post by subway »

This is amazing. Noone has said HAND OF GOD!!!! OMG! like the little bitches they are. Im happy with the new group of idosers. Alot of people just go by the descriptions and make stuff up. Its good that you alll are really experimenting. dont get me wrong, for those of you who get HoG to work, that is awsome. But if Hand of god wernt soo famous and the description was more moderate, and those useers still got the same effect, alot of them wouldnt be like HOG OMG! You know?

Im going to say Peyote a badass one, and so is black sunshine if you get it to work.
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