Advice from older users.

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Advice from older users.

Post by idosecritic »

About a year ago I was very interested in I-doser and was quite hopeful that it would work. I tried several doses on several occasions, did a lot of research on the science behind it and I am very aware of the techniques used to make the doses work. However I achieved very little results and as I continued to read through the forums it became very clear to me that the majority of you who use i-doser are extremely young. I myself am only 21 however I got the feel that most of the people who used the doses and were posting reviews claiming quite intense trips were in the age group of 13-17. Also these people were people who actually have no idea what it is like to take drugs and their interpretation of what a trip is actually like is very skewed and these reviews were simply wild over exaggerations.

When using the doses I did get mild numbness and some minor effect but nothing in comparison to some of the reviews being wrote on the forum. I am writing to ask some one who perhaps isn't 12 years old ( and perhaps who has some drug experience ) how intense their trips were and also the method they go through in order to achieve this. I know the basics, dark room, decent headphones, clear your head ( counting down from 500 ) and obviously be patient. But surely there has to be more to the technique rather than just clear your head, the one thing that confused me when doing the doses is what part of the dose to focus on in your head as there are several noise being played. Any advice would be appreciated from someone who perhaps is slightly older than the average user.
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Re: Advice from older users.

Post by StealthTheUnknown »

Hey, someone else who is a bit older than the rest on here! I am actually 38 years old, and I have much experience with BWE. anyways, what you really want to focus on is the "beating" sensation you experience when you listen. If you can kind of subconsciously connect to the rhythm, similar to subconsciously tapping your foot to the rhythm of a song you like, your brain will start to increase localized activity in frequencies identical to those you perceive. Like, lets say you were listening to a 0.9 hz frequency, which by the way is associated with mild euphoria and relaxation (naturally, almost all Delta frequencies have the tendency to be relaxing), your mind will start to imitate the frequency of the stimulus, and after a certain percent of the mind is at or close to that frequency, you will start to feel the effects. You will not feel the effects every time, because you will have different thoughts or sources of stress every time. And practice is key as well.
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Re: Advice from older users.

Post by emmacordobez »

I´m 34 and user of I-Doser for about 5 years. The recommendations are the usual. Just practice, practice and practice.
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Re: Advice from older users.

Post by crystalsoul »

StealthTheUnknown wrote:Hey, someone else who is a bit older than the rest on here! I am actually 38 years old, and I have much experience with BWE. anyways, what you really want to focus on is the "beating" sensation you experience when you listen. If you can kind of subconsciously connect to the rhythm, similar to subconsciously tapping your foot to the rhythm of a song you like, your brain will start to increase localized activity in frequencies identical to those you perceive. Like, lets say you were listening to a 0.9 hz frequency, which by the way is associated with mild euphoria and relaxation (naturally, almost all Delta frequencies have the tendency to be relaxing), your mind will start to imitate the frequency of the stimulus, and after a certain percent of the mind is at or close to that frequency, you will start to feel the effects. You will not feel the effects every time, because you will have different thoughts or sources of stress every time. And practice is key as well.
^This :3

Well worded if i might add
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Re: Advice from older users.

Post by StealthTheUnknown »

crystalsoul wrote:
StealthTheUnknown wrote:Hey, someone else who is a bit older than the rest on here! I am actually 38 years old, and I have much experience with BWE. anyways, what you really want to focus on is the "beating" sensation you experience when you listen. If you can kind of subconsciously connect to the rhythm, similar to subconsciously tapping your foot to the rhythm of a song you like, your brain will start to increase localized activity in frequencies identical to those you perceive. Like, lets say you were listening to a 0.9 hz frequency, which by the way is associated with mild euphoria and relaxation (naturally, almost all Delta frequencies have the tendency to be relaxing), your mind will start to imitate the frequency of the stimulus, and after a certain percent of the mind is at or close to that frequency, you will start to feel the effects. You will not feel the effects every time, because you will have different thoughts or sources of stress every time. And practice is key as well.
^This :3

Well worded if i might add
Thank you! I try to be as descriptive as possible for precision and understanding
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