Don't try the heavy stuff too quickly...

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Don't try the heavy stuff too quickly...

Post by Mercilly »

Alright, so my boyfriend and I tried content yesterday, and we pretty surprised by how well it worked. However, I was convinced that there was an element of placebo to it all. And I think for some of the weaker ones, there might be.

But some of this stuff isn't placebo at all.

I tried Lucid Dream,(Keep in mind, I just started using this stuff on Friday.) and it really freaked me out. I got really hot really fast, and I felt like someone was going to come out from under my bed and grab me. I don't feel like this is self imposed, considering the fact that with something called "Lucid Dream" someone would probably impose a calming experience onto themselves.

I suppose you'd call this a bad trip? I'm curious as to whether people have had scary experiences with I-doser before, and if they were able to overcome them later on. I'd like to have a lucid dream at some point, and hope that I-doser could help me with that. I do plan to keep using it, only with doses that aren't as extreme. =)

So do people move to stronger doses as they become more and more used to it? Or is like, if you couldn't handle it at first you'll probably never be able to handle that dose? What about things like the Hand of God? I mean, how many people can even handle that?
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Post by Saint »

hand of god isnt a that stron dose (for me it isnt) it's just unexplainable in the way you feel and react to it :-D
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Post by Pants »

Yes, there have been reports of having negative reactions to the doses including nightmarish inductions including but not limited to hallucinations and feelings of paranoia and hopelessness. However, I myself have not experienced any such reaction, including while using Lucid Dream.

It's worth mentioning, though, that if you search the forums, you'll find that most people have a typically "bad trip" with Lucid Dream for some reason. I just ended up remembering more of my dreams, and in more detail. Curiously, though, I tried Trip last night and ended up having no effects until sleeping, when I had a lucid dream that was more colorful and vivid than my dreams usually get.
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Post by Vendetta »

Not really sure EXACTLY what happened..
but I tried Black Sunshine yesterday, because it was one of the ones I wasn't *quite* sure what to expect with...

All I know is I was feeling some like, couldn't move my arm, couldn't move my leg, weightlessness, then next thing I know, I woke up in a cold sweat two hours later with no idea where I was... Wondering why I couldn't hear right (my headphones were still on). Took me about 10 mins to adjust and figure it out, then I went to the other room to check the clock and saw it was only two hours later.. (It fet like the middle of the night, in fact only 10 o clock..)

Just strange.
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Post by -Almost »

As Pants noted, it is strange seeming a lot of people on the forum have had negative experiences with Lucid Dream. Yet my philosophy on it is, however bad the trip, its not going to kill you, it may frighten you, but it won't kill you. Think about it, why do you suppose its frightening if someones under your bed? They can't hurt you, nor kill you. Thats how I control my negative experiences with anything, unless I am in a life threatening situation.

Because in fact that Lucid Dream dose caused Sleep Paralysis on me. But that just simply means its working, at Sleep Paralysis, your just behind the point of becoming Lucid, so just push it a little more, and you will become Lucid.

You may want to check out The Lucid Dreams dose does a great help in becoming Lucid, but you still need to do some work. Theres a full guide on that site, very easy to read and understand.
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Post by Couch »

my friend did black sunshine and i've never seen him that scared. he was rediculously paranoid, it was hilarious
not quite jakes self
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Post by not quite jakes self »

i agree with almost check out one question do you have dreams you remember regularly
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Post by Mercilly »

I remember my dreams at least five times a week, so yes, I would say I do.
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Post by RobDose »

yeah, and if you try the heavy stuff while you are a beginner, they will become boring lateron, where you'd be getting most of the effects...
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Post by SurlierRat »

I tried the astral walk one, I had the weird twitches people talk about, and then nothing. I turned off the music and started crying, for absolutely no reason. It was weird. So I went to bed and I had some kind of nightmare, I felt awake, but every time I closed my eyes I would see something different. For instance I saw a field of roses and a womans face, and when I opened my eyes everything was tinted red, though there was still this big feeling of fear within me.

Don't I sound crazy :/
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Post by JudoGirl »

I've been able to Lucid Dream without help/drugs or even I-Doser. But their work on Content has really helped me to just relax. And that is a blessing that I don't always get that much of. ;-)
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Re: Don't try the heavy stuff too quickly...

Post by sendbib »

Mercilly wrote: I don't feel like this is self imposed, considering the fact that with something called "Lucid Dream" someone would probably impose a calming experience onto themselves.
I've had lucid dreams (without using I-Doser) where I tried to make good things happen but it was just miserable. The brain works in strange ways, and I don't think you can completely cancel out the placebo effect just because of how strong some doses are. If a man can undergo some of the symptoms of pregnancy out of sympathy for his wife, I don't think it's that unreasonable that a lot of the insane shit that happens to people when they use these doses could be caused in part by the mind.
OAR RAider
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Post by OAR RAider »

I really think that for most of us the problem is that we read here what doses do, which ones work which ones don't, and when we take it were like where is that feeling they talked about. I really want to try an "unknown" dose and see what it does to me and then compare it to what it says. I smell an experiment coming on :D
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

Ive been expiermenting to see if someone has a better effect by not knowing what the dose is. Ive been giving my friend and my grandma does's with out telling them what they are. They effects they got some what matched the dose description. And they got stronger effects from their first time with the doeses then i did.
czar one
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Post by czar one »

you think that it's a good idea to make your grandma trip out?
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