A Surprise Session

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A Surprise Session

Post by StealthTheUnknown »

Well, you will have to read my introduction first if you want to find out what the name of the session is. I will not be revealing it, but I am sure you could probably figure it out from the context :D

So there I was two days ago at Buffalo Wild Wings with my friends for dinner. We were chatting a bit, and were coming up with stuff to do for the evening. Seeing as most of us were headed to different places after dinner, we decided to do something together at the restaurant. After a few magic tricks and gimmicks, we started comparing what our favorite foods from the place were (we had not eaten yet and were deciding what to get. The waiter must have been getting annoyed after coming to the table a few times asking if we were ready to order :lol: .) So Al, the guy sitting to my left, decided he was getting what he usually gets: a burger. The other two people decided they wanted to have different types of wings. It was then that I realized that the best food I had ever had at this restaurant was actually the most infamous: the blazin' wings (they are actually NOT the spiciest wings they have; those would be the Atomic wings, which are not advertised due to the lack of people capable of stomaching them.) Being the daredevil I am, I decided to give the Blazin' Challenge a try. My friends were all wishing me good luck, whispering among themselves that I was going to die, and pulling out every device capable of video capture. So the waiter gets me to sign a liability waiver (as if 300,000 Scoville heat units was not unnerving enough) saying I accept the imminent death that would be bestowed upon me by accepting this challenge. Then, in the final moment of anticipation, three employees walk out the door to the patio. The waiter was dressed in a firefighter's uniform and carried a box of twelve wings with thick, fire-resistant gloves. The other two men were there as witnesses, one holding a stopwatch. My challenge was to eat all twelve wings within a 6-minute time frame. I could have no napkins, no water, no milk, or anything else to aid me in lessening my torment. The Person yielding the timer told me he would start the clock the moment I touch the wings. I sat there for a good thirty seconds, meditating the potential pain I may succumb to. I then reach for the first wing, and the time starts. I immediately start gnawing all the meat off the bone, being careful not to leave any on. I finish it and throw it aside. That's one, but I still have eleven left to go, and I have already spent 30 seconds on the first wing. Luckily, the spicy materials do not kick into effect yet. I grab the second and proceed to finishing it as I did the first. I start feeling a warm wave running down my chest, my lips start tingling, and my tongue started swelling. I finish it seconds before the one-minute mark. I have already finished one-sixth of the challenge, and I feel pretty damn good. I grab the third, and take off as much meat as I can, but I have started to sweat and shake. I decide to ignore my body's desperate attempts to tell me to knock it off. I grab the fourth, but I already start feeling a bit nauseated. The chicken is a bit grainier and drier than I remember it, so it feels like sandpaper going down. By the time I get to the sixth wing, I feel as though I am going to wretch really badly. I start slowing down too much, and the texture of the chicken is too much to stomach. I throw my hands up, and stop eating. I lost. Well, at least I know I can handle a little bit of heat. My friends (if I can even call them that at this point) are laughing at my demise. I do not feel the full effect of the pepper extract yet, but I can feel the onset. I quickly order a bottle of milk to help a bit. After fifteen minutes, I feel no different than I did before. I had learned something, though. Six wings is definitely an improvement to the nibble I could handle when I first tried the blasted things. So, I am halfway there ;). Not bad for a free dinner.

Anyways, now that you have read the story, read the awaited review of the session:

45 minutes long, and a fresh memory of the possible effects this session could have. What could possibly go wrong? So I started the session, and concentrated on the beats. After what felt like ten or so minutes, I felt a sort of contracting sensation in my chest, tightening like a vise around my lungs. I could feel a sweat building on my face, but a cold sweat, possibly from anticipation. I have had similar sensations with other sessions, though. So I continued trekking into the beats. After another while of indefinite time, I instantly noticed I was panting a bit, and my heart was beating quite quickly. I felt a bit anxious and spooked, but I continued anyway. It felt like an eternity after that, but I started feeling everything tighten. Face, extremities, body, everything. It may have been imaginary though. I started noticing my skin felt drier everywhere. I was desperate to get a moisturizer, but I was unsure how much time I had left. Before I knew it, the session had stopped, and I was left with a tingling, almost cooling sensation all over my body. It felt nice. I was less freaked out than I was in the beginning, and that dry feeling was practically gone. I give this mystery session an 8/10. Well done.
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Re: A Surprise Session

Post by Fezza800 »

im guessing capsicum :D
Level 4 (50-199)
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Re: A Surprise Session

Post by StealthTheUnknown »

Fezza800 wrote:im guessing capsicum :D
Yep. Have you tried it?
Level 1 (10-19)
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Re: A Surprise Session

Post by Fezza800 »

StealthTheUnknown wrote:
Fezza800 wrote:im guessing capsicum :D
Yep. Have you tried it?
not yet
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