I'm officially back to I-dosing! After a long hiatus, I finally decided to add more songs onto my phone and try again. My first dose? Downer.
I decided to try Downer after experiencing a long bout with insomnia. Since Downer is supposed to calm you down, I figured that I might help me relax at night.
I went to bed and listened to it a few night ago; here is my experience.
It took a bit for the effects to kick in, but once it started working, I was amazed. My legs and arms felt a little heavier and number than normal. My body stopped being tense. I was floating on a small cloud - not very high up, but high enough for me to feel calm and content. I got so wrapped up in the dose I didn't realize I was done until I looked at my phone and realized I was 5 minutes into Speed. (It was on shuffle). I was so happy I didn't freak out when I saw I had missed the ending.
I turned off the dose, took off my headphones and drifted softly into sleep not long after - maybe 30 minutes.
For my next dose, I was thinking of a picker-upper. Maybe even Speed. I want to see if dosing can energize me the same way it can put me to sleep.
Good day to you all!