Help! I'm New.

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Help! I'm New.

Post by abc »

I just found out about this site and I want to try some doses, preferably not over 30 minutes.
I'm only going to buy one album, and I was wondering which one had the most effective songs in it.
I've already tried Alcohol, which worked. PeyoteQH and AcidQH didn't work a lot, but that may be because I wasn't in a good environment. I also tried Opium, Marijuana, Peyote and Cocaine. Opium only numbed my arms a bit, and cocaine made my body buzz... Marijuana had no effect, and Peyote just made me see some light shapes when I had my eyes closed. I was wondering if there are some good tracks with lasting after effects.
I was also wondering if buying the album from iTunes would affect it at all... And do beats work?
Also, if listening to them in you iPhone (iTunes) would affect the music quality too.

Any recommendations?
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Re: Help! I'm New.

Post by Syphon »

Sexual ones are good, like MultipleO and Ecstasy
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