NitrousQH Awesome!

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NitrousQH Awesome!

Post by iShadowxs12 »

I am new to iDoser and dosing in general I started a week ago, but never got any results. So I had given up for a few days but then I decided to give in one more shot, and so I pulled out NitrousQH and didn't really expect much to happen since its only 5 mins, but boy was I wrong...

I had never tried Nitrous before.

So I loaded it up, laid down on the floor next to my pc with a pillow and used a new technique of counting up to three while inhaling and counting down to one while exhaling. Once the five mins was up I got up and felt light bodied if that makes any sense at all. Then after a few mins I started to get a weird euphoria, one I had never felt. it was awesome and a few more mins passed and I got giggly and energetic, soon enugh I was singing random shit to myself in a high pitched voice. It was awesome! I loved it and at some point I decided i'd go for a walk to the mall since I was alone (But my mom had no idea I had gone). So I went of with a huge smile on my face and I felt like I could do anything I felt like a bomb ready to explode or a torpedo ready to fire! But I still had some sense in me and because I was in public I decided that I would try to stay as cool as possible (This was hard to do). So when I got there I just turned around and came back (I really had no reason to go to the mall I was just bored). Near my house it started to ware off I mean it had been an hour of energy it was bound to ware off. I came home and explaned to my mom what had happend and she was cool about it but she told me not to leave the house without asking her first (Common sense but at the time I didn't have much of that).

Funny thing is its supposed to ware off really quickly but that wasn't the case at all with me it lasted like an hour.

So all 'n all it was great I would for sure do it again and I really recommend it if your feeling down or have no energy!

Rating: 10/10 (Although I have never done Nitrous or any other drugs so I wouldn't know how it really feels)

Happy Dosing! :-D
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Re: NitrousQH Awesome!

Post by ngphil22 »

I had very similar effects, but they only lasted about 10 minutes for me.
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Re: NitrousQH Awesome!

Post by emmacordobez »

I´ve tried this about an hour ago, in a public bus. So cool! Nice relaxing effects for me, it was like a French Roast multiplied!
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Re: NitrousQH Awesome!

Post by nudelus »

This one gives me the feeling of driving in a sportscar with my head outside the window :) Nice that you have such awesome effects, have fun dosing and if u like much euphoria, go for the opiate/opioid doses. They are really euphoric, especially oxymorphone.

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