Discerning AP

When the mind leaves body
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Discerning AP

Post by tyciol »

The concept of AP is very interesting, and I want to study this experience, and maybe undergo it myself.

I'm pretty skeptical though, I think it's probably just imagination, hallucination, or lucid dreaming. Even so, people make it sound rather vivid, moreso than otherwise, so it would at the least require some order to the brain, and probably be a great source of happiness and inspiration (maybe for novels!)

If it does indeed involve leaving the body (OOB interacting with the world, or some 'astral realm') then there need to be ways of verifying this. OOB can use tests where live variables are predicted. Astral realms generally can't, but since some people talk about meeting other astral projectors, it can be tested using the same principles of telepathy, basically. Maybe that's all it would be, just mediation and telepathy with creative visuals?
don natural
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Post by don natural »

Great analysis, it may be!
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Post by Stroke »

i find this interesting myself... i have not had an out of body experience but i would love to. the thought of communicating with others having out of body experiences is pretty mind blowing, very interesting
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Post by Jesse »

I want this. haha.
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Post by Love »

AP would be so much fun.
But you could go aroud as a gost seeying thing there might be some privacy problems. LOL
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Post by deoxide »

Jesse wrote:I want this. haha.
Me 2!!!
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Post by Unnamed »

Astral Dynamics is a great site for all things astral, including energy body work and chakra development as well as the basics of meditation/trance.

And btw there have been plenty of objective results most critics just shrug off as unexplainable. Many people who've had NDEs/spontanious OBEs have been able to observe and describe thing they could have never known, and sometimes while their body had been physically dead.

Robert Monroe himself(Godfather of the OBE, linked from the i-doser main site)went through a test where he was supposed to go through a door to read a set of randomly generated numbers(the most common test I think), but due to a mix up with his vision(it's 360 degrees out there, you don't technically have a body so much as are a pinpoint of conciousness, the body/POV is just habit)ended up going through the opposite wall outside into like a break garden place(that he had never seen) and witnessed a nurse(that he had seen) meet her husband(that he hadn't seen, and couldn't have known would be there, since it was a surprise to even the nurse). This was confirmed once he came back, I'm pretty sure he was even able to describe the clothes that were worn and what he looked like(been awhile since I read his stuff though).

But even if it isn't "real", we've still got the ability to create entire living multivurses/dimentions inside our own minds, which doesn't sound all that bad to me. Kinda like even if binarial beats are placebo we have the ability to change our "natural"(whether it be "good" or "bad") mindstate.

Jeeze, those easterners mighta been onto something for these past...2000 years. Who knew?
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Post by fashur »

Last edited by fashur on Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thehotghost »

im new to AP but i've finished reading the guide/explanation on the astral dynamics website and i found so easy to comprehend and understand exactly what the process is and how to acheive it although the actual process is an extremely mentally demanding task yet its also very simple... you just have to be able to hold your concentration long enough to make it out of your body. to answer your question no you cant get trapped outside your body tho. i am very keen to work on achieving this
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

Its hard enough getting out of your body, i can't imagine how hard it would be to get stuck out. I know its not possible to get stuck out, im just saying what if.

And with halucinations you can stuck in it forever from using actual LSD, or toads, - due to the chemicals which can permanatly alter your brain. No I-doser dose can put you in any stated permanately.
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Post by sendbib »

fashur wrote:is ther a chance that u could get trapped outside of your body?
isn't that basically just dying?
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

Yeah, your right it would be
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Post by Couch »

or mabe that's why someone goes into a coma
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

my dad was in a coma a few years back, and he said it felt like he didn't have a body. he said he felt as if he was there with his body, but at the same time he wasnt in it.
czar one
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Post by czar one »

yeah, I heard that you can induce coma by just simply not waking up from a lucid dream. so, not really what I wanna mess with.
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