Would listening to the same dose, or a combination of doses, over and over while you sleep, help make it easier to be seduced by the waves? I have read a lot where people say some people need to do it a lot before it works, so would continually listening while asleep have any affect?
Sorry for the barrage of topics, I just find this so fascinating
I thought of this before also, but I'd be scared to try it. You know? It could be scary, EX. I try anesthesia overnight and wake up in the morning I can't get up and I'm like strapped to the bed and I'm exhausted for no reason. Might not be a good idea or maybe using inhalent and start to have fucked up trippy dreams, maybe not a good idea.
Well I have yet to get any doses to work, but last night I went to bed with morphine set to repeat. When I awoke it was still playing, no feelings different than normal, but no negative effects either.
Now that you mention it, that's a great idea. Users could listen to i-doser doses repeating when they sleep to become more tolerant to it, so they can achieve maximum effects in a matter of days, not weeks.
Just listen to whichever dose you want to do first. If you wanna try Hand of god, have it on repeat while you sleep, and keep doing this for a week or so, then try it while conscious and you should get 100% effects.