I-doser compared to real drugs..?

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I-doser compared to real drugs..?

Post by Insane6 »

I don't understand why people can even compare i-doser to real drugs..

I don't understand why the makers of i-doser compare there doses to real drugs in the descriptions.

I read posts about how people do a-bomb and peyote and how they were "really messed up" and how the were hallucinating hardcore.

Or they felt really high and light headed.

Well i use smoke weed and trip shrooms and let me tell you this stuff is far far far from the real deal.

I did Hand of God, the that they charge 200$ for.. and it was a complete joke. I have closed ear headphones. I dimmed my lights. I got a pillow and i layed on my couch and i did Hand Of God and yea it was basically a waste of 30 minutes. I felt some small effects that were probably placebo but yea the description is so misleading i cant even understand why they do that. I did DMT and the description is something along the lines of how reality is complete replaced ..LMAO. What a joke.

I mean i get a bigger buzz of Smokeless tabbaco then i do Hand of God which is 200$.

I even tried the thing with my friend. I didnt tell him what i-doser was i just told him to relax and listen to this music and see if he felt any effects. I played him peyote and sure enough ..he didnt feel anything.

Sure people say it helps them "relax" well thats bullshit.

I didnt come to this website and read about is and say"oMFGZ00r WHAT A SCAMmm!!111"

I came here and i wanted it to work. It was such an amazing idea. Well you know what they say..To good to be true. Then it probably is
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Post by Kloger »

were ur headphones on sterio? btw of course they r nothing like the real drugs, if they were i doser would b illegal.
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Post by Insane6 »

Yea they are nothing like real drugs.. i realize that ..but you know what i-doser company is doing..FALSE ADVERTISING. and guess what thats illegal.
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Post by Insane6 »

Kloger wrote:course they r nothing like the real drugs, if they were i doser would b illegal.

Then why in the description's do they make is sound like i'm going to actually have a trip?
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Post by Kingjames88 »

They resemble a drug experiance...
it's like dollar store finger traps.
they trap you within but if you want out just pull a bit harder...
kinda weird example.
the big word here is SIMULATE, like a driving simulator.
you arent actually doing the thing but it kinda feels like it if you want it to.
(thats kinda a better example)
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Post by Kloger »

Insane6 wrote:Also
Kloger wrote:course they r nothing like the real drugs, if they were i doser would b illegal.

Then why in the description's do they make is sound like i'm going to actually have a trip?
it makes u feel like u will have a trip with some visual effects.
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Post by Insane6 »

Kingjames88 wrote: the big word here is SIMULATE, like a driving simulator.
you arent actually doing the thing but it kinda feels like it if you want it to.
(thats kinda a better example)
So you would pay 200$ for a simulation..lol i dont think so.
Kingjames88 wrote:you arent actually doing the thing but it kinda feels like it if you want it to.

So the main effects i get from I-doser are pure placebo? Great i payed for placebo effects...
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Post by Insane6 »

Kloger wrote:it makes u feel like u will have a trip with some visual effects
Umm acutally NO it doesnt make you feel like your having a trip..and no you dont get any visual effects. You have obviously have never had a " real trip"
because if u have u would not think some "sound altering brain waves" would some how produce "physical" hallucinations that are only possible through chemical reactions

you sir... ARE A LIAR
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Post by Kingjames88 »

"you sir... ARE A LIAR"

who cares if some brain waves can duplicate a trip experiance or if it's a placibo!! and brain wavs CAN have a HUGE effect on ones mood, vision, hearing, and overall body chemestry. what YOU hear, see, feel, think, etc. is all what your brain is precieving.
as far as I know, most drugs don't physicaly ulter your eyes/ears/other extremities, they ulter your brain and how it precieves the world. so that would mean that the drugs alter your brainwaves simular to, but not the same as, drugs.

"So you would pay 200$ for a simulation..lol i dont think so."
most people don't buy HOG...
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Post by Kloger »

Insane6 wrote:
Kloger wrote:it makes u feel like u will have a trip with some visual effects
Umm acutally NO it doesnt make you feel like your having a trip..and no you dont get any visual effects. You have obviously have never had a " real trip"
because if u have u would not think some "sound altering brain waves" would some how produce "physical" hallucinations that are only possible through chemical reactions

you sir... ARE A LIAR
y r u getting so mad? just relax, peace. im sorry it didnt work for u yet but it doesnt mean it doesnt work at all for everyone sorry :? btw y would u start out with the heaviest one? if u actually read about it, people say that its best to start with lighter ones and then move to the heavier ones as u go so the brain gets used to the waves.
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Post by Insane6 »

Kingjames88 wrote:"you sir... ARE A LIAR"
as far as I know, most drugs don't physicaly ulter your eyes/ears/other extremities, they ulter your brain and how it precieves the world. so that would mean that the drugs alter your brainwaves simular to, but not the same as, drugs.
Chemical reactions in your brain causes physical and emotional changes.
CHEMICALS being the key word there not sounds that alter your brainwaves.

Lol you say i'm ruining peoples fun, more like ruining the people's fun who work at i-dosers cause there probably laughing at all of you..
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Post by Insane6 »

y r u getting so mad? just relax, peace. im sorry it didnt work for u yet but it doesnt mean it doesnt work at all for everyone sorry :? btw y would u start out with the heaviest one? if u actually read about it, people say that its best to start with lighter ones and then move to the heavier ones as u go so the brain gets used to the waves.
I didnt start out with the heaviest dose...I started out with the free ones..which didnt work. So i tried some medium ones...which yet again..didnt work. So i tried Trip, Peyote, DMT, Hand of God, A-bomb..you name it i've tried it. The only effects i got were feeling nauseas and a headache from listing to 30 to 45 minutes of white noise.

Here you want some free "i-doses" go unplug your cable and plug some headphones into your T.V.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

and tryed the all once??
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Post by Ness »

I-Doser works, but of COURSE it doesn't compare to the real deal. I'd rather smoke a bowl or sniff some OC any day, but I-Doser is WAY WAY WAY better than nothing at all.
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Post by Ness »

Insane6 wrote:
Kloger wrote:it makes u feel like u will have a trip with some visual effects
Umm acutally NO it doesnt make you feel like your having a trip..and no you dont get any visual effects. You have obviously have never had a " real trip"
because if u have u would not think some "sound altering brain waves" would some how produce "physical" hallucinations that are only possible through chemical reactions

you sir... ARE A LIAR
Ooooh, you trip shrooms? WOW! So that qualifies you to pass judgment on the whole of I-Doser and everyone who gets effects? You obviously don't understand the true power of the mind and I-Doser. The binaural beats are a large part of it, but placebo is also a part of it, and don't get into how placebo doesn't count, because effects are effects. I PROMISE that if someone slipped you some psilocybin without you knowing it, you wouldn't trip nearly as hard as if you were looking forward to the trip and were psyched up for it. Placebo counts. Deal with it.
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