Some troubles an questions about Lucid Dream

Be aware in dreams
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Post by bugmenever »

I've used this dose a few times.. it works as far as i expected.. most of the times i just woke up remembering 2-4 dreams from the night before.

a few times i had an actualy lucid dream.. but i went to bed really tired and when i realized it was lucid i felt like " okay this is a dream i know that i'll try to mess around in it another dose"

so i tried a night or so later. i could control things like what room i was in , and who i was talking to. but if i tried to make myself move.. or do things i had a feeling... sorta like what if i mess somethign in the real world up by changing this. a fear of the unknown almost.

as for lucid nightmare. i had one once... its not really so bad... because i realized it was a bad dream.. and convinced myself to wake up. i woke up saying... " 1...2...3.. wake up!" just like i thought in my dream

this is long i'm sorry .. i just wanted to share a few expieriences.
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Post by dé-mônio »

bugmenever wrote: this is long i'm sorry .. i just wanted to share a few expieriences.
is better :)
if a lot of people post here your expiriences we will learn better how is lucid dreams and how to get on a lucid dream,

i has 2 or 3 lucid dreams but i didn't relized that i was dreaming :~
i'm trying every night, the dreams are getting better :D
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Post by dé-mônio »

i realized yerstday that if i be relaxed i sleep before the dose ends
i had a lot of real dreams yerstday but no one was lucid :T
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Post by mateo »

ok... firstly: Hi everybody :)
I'm new here... And I wanna apologize for my language skill ;)

I've never read about Lucid Dreams before... and it's sad because I did it many times... I mean I controled my dreams.
I couldn't i.e. 'normally' move my body in a dream but I could make me TRY to change it a little. And I was rarely, but I did(!), able to wake me up.
I have that dreams that I can try to control about once at 1-2 months.
I can wake me up while having a nightmare about in 40% of controlable nightmares.
I am person who dream I think pretty much, but I've never thought that that ..yyy.... skill (? :P) is a little rare o_O...

Yesterday when I read about lucid dreams I have tried it out and .... I did it :) (I think so...)
I dream that I was in my friend's house and I .... fell asleep. I had another dream (which I don't remember :/) and when I woke up (inside a dream) I could ...hmm how to say it ... control my character in a dream (?)
I jumped up on the bed and I yelled 'I had a dream inside a dream!' and I realized that I can do whatever I want.
I couldn't do special things like flying or sth, but I could fully control myself, and as I read about lucid dreams... It's nice achievement :)

I know that some of ppl reading this wouldn't believe me, but I just wanted to share my opinion and maybe help someone who is trying to control dreams or finish nightmares...

Regards for u all!
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Post by dé-mônio »

mateo, i'm trying for days to have an lucid dream, i had very very real dreams, but i was not lucid that i as in a dream so i couldn't do anything especial, do you have any tips to every buddy? :)
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Post by mateo »

hmm tips? I dunno, I can just say step by step what I did...
before going sleep I prepare I-Doser and turn off the light.
I layed down in the bed and started playing a dose with headphones on my head.
I relaxed my body but I was still thinking about my aim: I was making a scenario of dream I would like to have :)
Of course my scenario didn't come true ;P but I was still thinking about controling my dream and I really concentrated at it.
I forgot about my everyday-problems and I tried to better listen to the sounds on headphones. (I think it can be important that I set volume pretty loud, not 'at max' but for some type of people it would be difficult to go sleep with so loud sounds in head :D)

I hope that it helps a little...

Now I am going to try LD2, we will see what will happen :)

cya ;)
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Post by dé-mônio »

ok, i'll try again this time with the sound louder :D
relax boddy and think that i can make a lucid dream

tomorrow i tell you if did worked 8)
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Post by dé-mônio »

one tip to every buddy

have an notebook and note every dream one thing to help
when you wake up you don't move just try to remeber the dream
again and again...

after you put in the notebook.
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Post by dé-mônio »

another real dream...i don't know why, but i'm not realyzing that i'm dreaming :mad:
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Post by Velvet »

Oh man, I finally got I-Doser and wanted to give the lucid dreaming a shot first. I've always loved the idea of lucidity in a dream. Anyways, all I can say is that I freaked out. About 13 mins after I lay down in the dark with the dose rolling, I felt this numbness start to creep up on me. I felt this wave of fear hit me and I opened my eyes. Everything was red. I just took the headphones and threw them down. Man, I was shuddering and could feel my heartbeat afterwards. I figured afterwards that it was probably sleep paralysis that I was experiencing while being aware (for which I'm usually already asleep) of it. I'm really not sure about that though.

Is that feeling supposed to occur? I'm guessing that I just wasn't expecting it. Anyways, if it's usual, I guess I'll try it again tommorow.

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Post by dé-mônio »

Velvet try to get relax, i tryed more than 20 times and nothing bad happends to me :D

keep trying and reading about this ;]
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Post by Velvet »

here's a question. are you supposed to fall asleep while you're listening to it? Cause that's what I think happened to me. maybe i should just do it while i'm not tired and sleepy.
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Post by shoop »

I know a great way to experience lucid dreams
and with i-doser's lucid dream it becomes even easier.

Get a note, and write a animal name on it.

example: Sheep

Always keep that note in your pocket, and look at it several times a day, then put it back in your pocket.

After a while, it is so common to you that your brain will use that in a dream, but when the brain doesn't recreate it perfectly, so in stead of seeing the word "sheep" on the note, you will most likely see a picture of a sheep or something else. Then you will realize that you are dreaming, and you will not get the shock that usually wakes you up.

This way you can start controlling your own dream. :)

I will try this method together with I-doser's lucid dream.
It has worked for me without, so i bet it will work even better with lucid dream, cause my problem is remembering my dreams in the first place.

I hope this helped you
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Post by PeeR. »

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Post by deoxide »

yup....deff gonna try lucian again,
first time it didnt work, but ill do it again and again because i think its really coowl :D
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