Some troubles an questions about Lucid Dream

Be aware in dreams
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Post by mikael »

i could do lucide dreaming before i saw i-doser...
but last years i dont remember many dreams, so i tried lucide dreaming. I had like 4 dreams and remembered some parts :-D Next time i hope i can controll my dream too. Gonna fly, thats awesome :D
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Post by mistert34 »

I used to lucid dream on will as a child but i havent done it sence i was about 7 years old. I tried lucid dream last night and i remembered 3 dreams witch is alot for me.

Once you do become lucid, the problem will be come staying lucid. You will want to stay in your dream for longer but you feel it slip away and you get frustrated and thats when you wake up. Heres a prolonging tip. When you feel the dream begin to desolve, start spinning around in a circle or rub your hands. Usualy the scene will change but it keeps you from waking up.
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Post by Purrtyful »

Nice ideas o.o

I used to meditate daily and was trying techniques to help me lucid dream for two weeks before I finally had my first. It was worth every second, even though it ended quickly.
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Post by mistert34 »

ya, just spin around haha. It sounds stupid, but it works wonders.

My favorite part about a lucid dream is checking out what everything looks like in a dream. The best part is reading text, because it makes no sence, or its not words, just scribbles.
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Post by i-chris »

i had something strange i dont know if it was of the lucid dreams thing but i think so

well i play this game on internet

and suddently i dreamed i was walking around in the game very exited and happy cause i had a very rare item and thne i was like dont bother chris its a dream then i woke up or i was awake i dont know that was the confusing thing
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Post by i-chris »

mistert34 wrote:I used to lucid dream on will as a child but i havent done it sence i was about 7 years old. I tried lucid dream last night and i remembered 3 dreams witch is alot for me.

Once you do become lucid, the problem will be come staying lucid. You will want to stay in your dream for longer but you feel it slip away and you get frustrated and thats when you wake up. Heres a prolonging tip. When you feel the dream begin to desolve, start spinning around in a circle or rub your hands. Usualy the scene will change but it keeps you from waking up.
how can i rub my hans while i'm a sleep =s
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Post by i-chris »

bugmenever wrote:I've used this dose a few times.. it works as far as i expected.. most of the times i just woke up remembering 2-4 dreams from the night before.

a few times i had an actualy lucid dream.. but i went to bed really tired and when i realized it was lucid i felt like " okay this is a dream i know that i'll try to mess around in it another dose"

so i tried a night or so later. i could control things like what room i was in , and who i was talking to. but if i tried to make myself move.. or do things i had a feeling... sorta like what if i mess somethign in the real world up by changing this. a fear of the unknown almost.

as for lucid nightmare. i had one once... its not really so bad... because i realized it was a bad dream.. and convinced myself to wake up. i woke up saying... " 1...2...3.. wake up!" just like i thought in my dream

this is long i'm sorry .. i just wanted to share a few expieriences.

i have always bin able to open my eyes when i dreamed and stuff so i quit dreaming is that lucid dreaming also
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At least once

Post by tjvhigh09 »

A couple of years ago. Probably 4 years....I had a dream that i was flying. except it was more of a gliding get really close to the ground..but then i would glide back up.

Couple of days later I had the same dream. When I realized this it became a lucid least i think. I didnt do anything weird, but i could glide anywhere i wanted to... so ya lol

Cant really get i-doser to work, not downloading right. ill keep trying tho
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Post by RobDose »

dé-mônio wrote:[let's continues this topic telling wich other what we dicover :D

by the way sorry, i'm Brazilian and i'm sure that i wrote something wrong
:cry: [/b]
Dé Mônio, tudo bem? tambem sou brasileiro e queria perguntar como compra as doses?
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

I had a lucid dream. It was wierd, when i woke up i remember all this stuff (which was from the dream) but i didn't remember it as a dream, i remembered it as if was a memory of something that really happened..
czar one
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Post by czar one »

dé-mônio wrote:
i placed an piece of paper with the sentence "you are not dreaming" in my room, so every time i can i take a look in this piece of paper.
I don't know if works but i'm trying

That' paper thing probably won't work. Your brain will remember that as part of your room, so in a dream there is a chance you will see that. That would really confuse you. :-D
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Post by Pilvik »

It was late, i was watching saw 2 on tv. When the movie ended, I decided to try lucid dream on i doser. I was on my bead, lights out, and started the dose, i thought of nothing, just listened to the sounds. When the dose ended, I went to my computer and turned it off, then i went to the kitchen and what did i see : there was blood all over the walls and butterflys flying out of the fridge... So weird. Suddenly I started to panic and 5 mins later I woke up... I did not know that it was a lucid dream.. It was just soooooooo real .
I think that it helps : Watch a movie, any movie, before you take the dose and i think, that it will help getting a lucid dream of the movie :)
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

well, tomorrow night im going to watch the matrix then do the dose. If it works like that it would be so awsome
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long post, sorry

Post by jaslak »

delmoi - I hope you are doing well with this. When I was younger, every dream I had was lucid. It was normal for me until around puberty. At some point I started talking about my dreams and people would be like: You can't control your dreams, what are you talking about. I would get confused and almost as if everyone convinced me of it, eventually I could no longer control my dreams. Years later I learned that it is possible, and I became very upset that I allowed others to influence my beliefs so easily. I have tried since then, and am able to have lucidity very randomly, but not like when I was young.

My dreams as a child were completely lucid all the time. Some times I would lose partial control over motor function in nightmares, and some times objects, people, or scenes that I would summon would be off somehow, but other than that I always had full control.

I would often fly in dreams, a feeling so incredible that you MUST experience once you get lucidity working for you. Just look up into the sky and start going up. Or lean forward slowly and keep yourself from hitting the ground. It's harder to descend than ascend, so don't go crazy at first or you will be stuck trying to get back down. It's actually pretty scary, because even though you know your dreaming, you still feel like you will get hurt if you fall, and keeping the levitation stable is very hard. I would often rise very quickly and then freak out and start falling, or I would only get 10-20 feet off the ground and get scared and not move any higher. This would often happen in buildings as well. I would get stuck near the ceiling and couldn't get down.

I am looking forward to trying this i-doser thing. Maybe I can get that old childhood skill back. I sure do miss it.
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Post by jaslak »

Actually, most of the lucid dreams I have no that I am older are dreams in which I wake up, still in a dream, thinking I am awake. Then once I realize I am dreaming I wake up again, sometimes to reality sometimes to another dream.
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