Greetings to all, I'm brand new to the forum, I-Doser and binaural beats in general. I got turned on to this literally 2 days ago. A friend described the idea to me and sent me a link. The idea sounded fairly ridiculous to me, but living in a state where hallucinogens are hard to come by I felt I had the obligation to check this out. I downloaded the free player and purchased the DMT dose. I figured if it's bunk I'm only wasting $3. Needless to say, it worked (description forthcoming) and I went on a bit of a rampage and got the premium player and about $50 worth of doses...maybe more since then... Since Sunday (12/30) I've tried DMT 3 times, LSD once, French Roast, Beta, and JuiceIT.
DMT #1
I shut off the lights in my house, removed my phone from the room, covered my eyes with a t-shirt and tried everything I had read at that point that said it would optimize the dose. It being my inaugural dose I couldn't shake the bit of fear and the incredible amount of noise in my brain. The sound of DMT is extremely soothing to me; a very constant bass reverberation of multiple tones. I'm a big fan of ambient music, so the sound was very much a treat. After lying there for a bit I began to doubt the process. What felt like 10min or so, I started to feel motion in my body. I could feel like I was a part of a ripple of water. When I focused on it, I could move faster with it. The whole time I checked and could feel my arms and back on the couch, so I could tell it was an effect, not me actually flopping around like a spazz. Visuals started a little after that. Lots of dark blues, blacks, purples and pale whites floating in darkness. They splotched and moved something like paint meets flower petals meets clouds. They'd switch between that and moving grids, tunnels and things of that nature. I had auditory hallucinations of music, bomber planes and other things I can't recall. About halfway or more through (I didn't document time) my body started to feel pulled forward and like I was flying up and down in a doubled over position. Other visuals I had included a black volcano with pale light coming out of the top and the skyline of a city near mine when driving on a major highway, but all very, very dark and the light being that same pale yellowish white. Visuals usually always came back to that blue/purple splotch pattern with what looked like electrical impulses over top. They move chaotically, and although I can describe them now, they felt like I was observing them, not a part of them.
A very good intro, but not as vivid as a real drug. I'm sure I could work up to it.
I did LSD shortly after DMT, enamored by my experience. This time I played around a little more with things during the dose to see what would happen. The tone of LSD was not as wholesome to me as DMT was, and started off more eerie to me. Same conditions as the DMT dose. Visuals were not as prevalent as with DMT, but they did share some similar themes, like grids and tunnels (These are common that I have seen while actually tripping on LSD and Mescaline, the actual drugs, and even Marijuana when I reach a level of intoxication where I will begin to trip). The really odd thing that happened with LSD was I began to have hallucinations, but they all seemed to be happening in my peripheral. They'd be a thought that would become a scene that I couldn't see, but all of a sudden I was in and watching closely. I can't remember these as vividly as the DMT experience. It had something to do with someone trying to climb over a wall and there were several others as well that happened, but I'm blanking on details on all of them. I had almost no body high with LSD (much different from my real LSD experience), but upon opening my eyes while still dosing, I saw the walls of my house pulsing, much like true psychedelics. I left the experience with an odd feeling in my head and an extremely contemplative manner.
French Roast and Beta
These I did the following morning while I was getting ready to go to work. I did them lights on, eating and while surfing the web. I didn't expect much, especially considering I only made it through half the Beta dose before I had to go to work. Upon immediate completion of FR, I noticed I felt more awake. By a half hour later I felt like I was on crack (note: I have never done crack, so I cannot confirm this feeling). I was bouncing off the walls with energy, like a child who got into some pixie sticks, but it was still extremely focused. This lasted for about 2 hours, then i spent the rest of the work day with a steady stream of energy . I found these EXTREMELY FAVORABLE. I really enjoyed this combo.
I listened to juiceit on my lunch break the same day as the FR and Beta combo because I knew I was going to work out after work. I listened to it under the same conditions (eating, internet, lights on) thinking that it would have the same effect as the morning's dose. I really didn't feel anything, and although I had some increased performance while working out, I worked out 2 and a half hours after the dose, so I can't confirm or deny the effectiveness of JuiceIT, I may have just made some strength gains from my normal routine.
DMT #2
I wanted to practice with one dose so I could reap it's full benefit. I sat down in my darkened living room, t-shirt over my eyes and went about trying to meditate. The whole time I was stuck worrying about if I was meditating correctly and also worried I'd take myself too deep. I have weird paradoxical behavior with tripping where I want to go as deep as possible, but also get scared of going to deep to where I will mess myself up. I was caught there, thinking about the meditation and getting frustrated I wasn't getting the same sensations from the first dose. I was also very hungry and EXHAUSTED. I think I conked out for a few minutes and ended up turning off the dose at about 16min.
DMT #3
This dose was done about an hour ago. I used condition first, which was a very enjoyable dose, and had DMT backed right behind it. I did this as woke up, knowing I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep if I tried, plus I wanted to start off the new year tripping. Condition set the mood and I really focused on my breath while meditating. DMT came on with the hum I am growing accustomed to. The blues were back yet again. They were larger and more in depth. It almost looked like I was in the cloud of a galaxy, but with an absence of stars. Sometimes the blue would take over my full vision, sometimes it would shift and move and most of the time it swirled with black with random burst of electrical impulses of white and yellow. The flickering whites and yellows were more prominent this time. Visuals were stronger, but didn't make me feel intergrated either. I got no semblance of a body high, movement or anything like that and I actually started realizing how hungry I was towards the end and cut the dose short by about 6min. I'll probably get some ridicule for the hunger thing, but usually in the morning on an off day I can go about half the day without eating. I think it has something to do with the mental activity and slight anxiety that comes with tripping. Right now it's 2 hours or so since the dose, I've gone for a run, showered and still haven't eaten myself and have no hunger. Odd.
Thanks for taking the time to read my humongous post, and in the future I will only review one at a time.
Another new doser with a bulk of first tries (DMT, LSD,more)
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Re: Another new doser with a bulk of first tries (DMT, LSD,m
Welcome! Great Reviews, hope you stay active, write more!