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I Can Never Concentrate......

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:16 pm
by Blue_Crayon
Everytime i try this my mind starts drifting off to other things....i think about stuff waaayyy to much when im doing you really need 100% concentration on this for it to work???

Ive been trying to get this to work and i just mind wanders, i keep getting interrupted, my headphones arent very good....

but are these reasons enough for it to not work at all??? Like no effects at all? I feel absolutely relaxed...buts thats probably because ive been sitting in my dark room doing nothing for 45 minutes...

ive been using Marajuana...does this dose even do alot??? I want to try a dose that really doesnt make you hallucinate...but just relaxes you very marajuana..

Any tips on making this work better??

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:30 pm
by Mr Mucha
Ok well I understand, I know its hard trying to concentrate. Even if yoour mind drifts off, you should still be able to feel it. Interruptions, even the slightest one will screw you up. I got interrupted once and couldnt get back into the trance. Just try to stare at one spot and try and block out all other thoughts. Good Luck. :?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:23 am
by Kelli
Im having the same problem actually. My mind always drifts of.

Whenever I notice im drifting of I try to focus and get back to the sound. And, that lasts for about 5 seconds before I drift of again. So what I end up with is drifting in and out of concentration. Talk about big distraction, eh?

A few times ive tried I even fall asleep while my mind wanders. Only to wake up a few moments later. And so the ball rolls on, thus creating another big destraction.

Now, except a few doses - such as the marihuana - I usually feel something despite my mind wandering off. However, I still have a gut feeling that It might have worked even stronger had I only been able to keep focusing.


As for other distractions I make sure im all alone, so there are none of that. The biggest distraction for me however - and I have had a few doses ruined by this - is when my body starts to itch somewhere. And you probably know what its like when you start thinking of the itching - yes you guessed it; the itching gets worse. And before I know it the itches turn up in more and more places, until I reach the point where I cannot relax anylonger and have to start itch myself. Result? Dose ruined.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:12 am
by Mr Mucha
Sounds like this shit is getting to you. I have never had the urge to itch. You better check yourself or take a shower. :eek:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:06 am
by nwa
and dont lay down and try this because i was at my boys crib doing the A Bomb and he sed i passed out hahaha