Hand of God piggybacked with another

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Hand of God piggybacked with another

Post by michaelhooter »

I'm gonna pull off something unsuggested, and probably not smart at all...

I'm gonna run "Hand of God", then piggy-back another really strong dose almost immediately afterwards....

Can someone suggest something?

I'm probably gonna choose Dexies, White Crosses, or Peyote...

Anyone got a better one to suggest?
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Post by Kingjames88 »

I haven't had any really big effects from I-doser yet...
The biggest is prolly right now with the pot one.
I'm laughing and having a great time. (little strange numbness and stuff too.)

on to your situation...

I would look around and try a good hallogen. peyote from what I hear is good, perhaps the frog.
I haven't herd much about Dexies or White Crosses.
A-bomb could be ok...
inhallant I also herd is strong.
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Post by Waler »

I have yet to get any effect from I-Doser, yet my suggestion is that right after "Hand of God" try something spiritual and powerful of a sort (preferably something you already tried with success) like Genesis, White Crosses or Divinorum.

And don't forget to update us! ;)
not quite jakes self
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Post by not quite jakes self »

genesis did nothing for me you should do divinorum or white crosses
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Post by -steinz »

do HoG then weed, and see if you still feel like crying because of HoG
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Post by voyaging »

I say White Crosses. I've heard of a lot of bad experiences from Inhalant and Divinorum.
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Post by Couch »

how about hand of god, which helps you meet the divine one, then black sunshine, which helps you meet your soul. THAT would be quite a ride
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Post by michaelhooter »

Sorry, kinda late on the update...

But during the HoG experience, I felt almost frozen, and felt as if I was able to control the feeling in parts of my body (meaning I could make my arms/legs/etc. go numb and lose feeling and control.), and after doing so to my arms, I thought about moving one of them, and while I thought of doing so, I noticed my arm had already started making its way to that position on its own. Then I thought about rolling my head over to the left (I was laying on my right side) and felt it move slowly, but suddenly felt my sheet disappear, and felt it in the correct position as I "commanded", but also felt some sort of "extention", like another head, still laying were my head formerly was. After a few minutes, I concentrated on my legs, and then felt constant freezing and what felt like slivers of ice jabbing into them. Later I concetrated on my arms again, and also my breathing. As I breathed, my right arm felt like it shrunk every time I exhaled.

I tried Dexies a little after, and got a sick feeling, and I finished, and got something to eat and drink, but the food and stuff had almost no taste.

Later that day my taste came back when I was at one of my cousins' parties, cuz he was shipping out for the Marines like the next day or two, and started drinking what I usually do when I drink (Whiskey, Rum, Vodka), and was almost imperveous to the usual effects, and actually felt more awake, alert, happy, energetic, more in control of my body, and lots of stuff (except for one clumsy accident while I was hugging and kissing an old friend of mine I ain't seen in 2 years [lol], we accidently knocked each others' drinks on the ground as she walked off.) Also, I had absolutely NO hangover the next day.

I got drunk another night, and had the same reverse effects, except this time, I woke up the next morning with everything from my lungs down in EXTREME pain, so bad that I couldn't breathe, walk, or even lay down without pain somewhere. (So glad it wasn't my appendix!)

The first time I used I-doser, I piggy-backed over half the available doses (I have all of them), and felt REALLY REALLY awake, minutes turned into seconds, and I would try to walk, but almost ran, and felt like if I moved any faster I was going to fly through the roof and not be able to stop.

Intense stuff.

Not as intense as I wished though lol...

I go for the extreme things in life...

Probably why I constantly get hurt and stuff, especially involving my balance...lol...

Almost all the damage on my head has happened on the left side, and literally stopping at the middle right before its considered on the right, and the left side of my body reacts and moves slightly slower that my right side. Really fucked up if you ask me...My left arm and leg also have sort of a numb-ness to them, like if I move them fast, they go numb and screw up (like when I try do double bass kicks on the drums, or try something new thats fast on my guitar), unless I train the limb to do it correctly with ALOT of practice...

But after using I-doser, its like I've gotten a permanent effect which makes my balance better, and I've seem to lose all the big mental blocks I always got, and seem to learn things faster...It's kinda helped me actually...
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