Exploring & experimenting

Be aware in dreams
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Exploring & experimenting

Post by c130 »

I've been wanting to achieve lucid dreaming for over a year now. Never had much success with the usual methods such as recording all dreams upon waking (I only remember what I dreamt once every 10 nights or so) or with the reality checks like counting my fingers regularly or keeping a phrase written on a scrap of paper and reading it through the day to see if it's changed.

Anyway the last few days I've been messing about with i-doser as well as some freeware binaural software. And every time I played one as I lay in bed ready to sleep, I woke up the next morning able to remember my dreams in great and unusual detail. (Curiously, the only other time I've recalled dreams with any kind of regularity has been when I've taken a couple of ibuprofen tablets before bed.) At first I was highly sceptical of the software, or at least doubtful that it would have any effect on me, as I'm unfortunately quite naturally resistant to most subconscious, binaural and hypnotic tricks.

The dose I had been listening to before this dream was "anaesthesia". (For the record, it did soothe my aching leg)

I remember the dream concluding, and I recall waking up (a false awakening) thinking "wow, that was a wierd dream." Then I distinctly remember believing that it was a real story, and that the story had a name, and I couldn't quite remember the name, though it seemed to be on the tip of my tongue... after struggling to remember for a few minutes, I came up with a name (now forgotten) and, satisfied, I went back to sleep.

Then my first dream repeated itself. By the time it was near the end, I was witnessing it from 3rd person perspective rather than 1st person as I had the first time round. At that point I made it clear to myself that I knew it was a dream, and that I knew what was going to happen next - right then, in response to that, the dream went away off on an utterly random tangent, and then I actually woke up.

I'll definitely keep on experimenting with binaural noise. Even if it does no more than to help me remember my dreams, I'll be very pleased. If it can help me achieve lucidity with regularity, I'll be over the moon. :D
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