I tried alot of different ones. I have a 50 euros headset, I relax, I dont think of anything, and I close my eyes. It's night and there are no other sounds. I have no effects. Am I immune?
You are not immune. Your brain needs to get used to the doses. After 5 doses about your brain should feel the full effect. Count backwards from 10 while taking a dose to give you something to do.
I've been taking quiteabit, but none had a slight effect, but maybe Nitrous, where my legs felt heavy and I walked a bit out of balance. :S I'm goingg to try Anesthesia now, since I'm going to sleep. Wish me luck :S.
I haven't tried many of the doses but I suspect in the long-term i-doser may need to create multiple versions of doses you your brain doesn't get too familiar with the beats of each dose.