Whoa! Was it a-bomb?

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Whoa! Was it a-bomb?

Post by Paka »

Ok, so at 10 pm last night I listened to a-bomb, I'm new to i-doser so it had little effect on me while it was playing.
Later that night however I was trying to get to sleep, this was about midnight.
And then it happened.
I couldn't move, my entire body was tingling and I heard wind rushing past my ears, within seconds all of these things were multiplied by a million and I felt like everything was shaking a ridiculous amount.
This happened twice. I guarantee that I was awake.
Was this a strange phenomenon or my delayed reaction to a-bomb, It was two hours late.
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Post by xxananymousxx »

a-bomb surprise attacks you =], so yes, it was a-bomb aftermath XD
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Post by thehotghost »

actually those are "exit" symptoms of astral projection. Look it up... sounds like you were VERY close to projecting!!! AP'ing is far better than any experience idoser and bring you. period.
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