Help.. Please!

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Help.. Please!

Post by Dips »

So i started dosing few weeks ago and i think that I-Doser is one of the best things happened to me in my life. Then when i tryed it it didn't work.. First i tryed Nitrous no working then Vico no working then i tryed nitro again Little Laughy only then i became desperate so i tryed Trip. I sorta think it worked what i felt in trip was that i had a scarf on my eyes and i didn't see a thing i closed my eyes, then i saw some weird green / purple lights... They were reeally strong lights ... Now i think that worked but anyone got any other doses that could work?
Level 3 (30-49)
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Post by Selador »

Well, I don't know... What effects do you want ?
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Post by Dips »

some dizzy feelings and hallucination
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Post by AleanderX »

some dizzy feelings and hallucination
Well... Try Brain+ and YaBa. it does magic xDDDDD :evil:
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Post by Dips »

K but i got 1 question more. Is it possible that im immune to the doses? Cuz i really dont wanna be...
Level 3 (30-49)
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Post by AleanderX »

K but i got 1 question more. Is it possible that im immune to the doses? Cuz i really dont wanna be...
Nah... the only bad thing could be that they dun work, but they work, so dun worry just need listen to them lot of times & focus in a dark room then once u end training ur brain with them, u gonna be able to feel the effects :)
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Post by dosefiend »

try reading the " Brain priority of i-doser effects " text in the Science forum. This should help you feel the doses more.
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