The best way to use your dose (K's Method)

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The best way to use your dose (K's Method)

Post by kr3wskater »

OK, I've heard (and tried) tons of different methods for using i-doser, and i "developed" (not really, haha) this method awhile ago. It works the best out of all that i've tried.

(i just posted it in another thread, but ill copy n paste)

The best way to listen is to sit upright on the floor in a comfortable position (either legs crossed indian-style or legs in front of you w/ knees bent) and to breathe in and out of your nose. Have your back against a comfortable surface (leaning against a wall with pillows as cushions for example). Breathe somewhat deeply (as if you were meditating). On each inhale imagine the beat being sucked into your head and flowing throughout your body, this is a very basic form of meditation (kind of, same concepts really) and keep your eyes closed. On each exhale imagine all the negative energy leaving your body, being replaced by the beat. Using this method I have actually gotten buzzes/headchanges similar to those (although weaker) that i have achieved on actual substances. Good luck and happy listening!
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Post by Shrimpo »

Ha, that's a good method. I really just put the doses on my mp3 and at 11:00 P.M. (i usually go to sleep then and am tired by that time) i just lie there and listen. I have ADHD so my mind usually wonders off and i think about different things but i noticed that while i wander off i can still hear the dose. Like one time with LSD i got sorta bored so my mind wondered off then right in the middle of what i was thinking BAM! sedation, i think it was, hit me. I was suprised at how hard it hit. My eyes opened so wide, sorta like this fello -> :shock: , and my heart was racing and i was panting. I think i give hope to all ADHD and ADD dosers :D
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Post by Geebus1234 »

Shrimpo wrote:Ha, that's a good method. I really just put the doses on my mp3 and at 11:00 P.M. (i usually go to sleep then and am tired by that time) i just lie there and listen. I have ADHD so my mind usually wonders off and i think about different things but i noticed that while i wander off i can still hear the dose. Like one time with LSD i got sorta bored so my mind wondered off then right in the middle of what i was thinking BAM! sedation, i think it was, hit me. I was suprised at how hard it hit. My eyes opened so wide, sorta like this fello -> :shock: , and my heart was racing and i was panting. I think i give hope to all ADHD and ADD dosers :D
Hang on why would your eyes open wide and your heart speed up if you felt a sedation? :?
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Post by DustinD123 »

Geebus1234 wrote:
Shrimpo wrote:Ha, that's a good method. I really just put the doses on my mp3 and at 11:00 P.M. (i usually go to sleep then and am tired by that time) i just lie there and listen. I have ADHD so my mind usually wonders off and i think about different things but i noticed that while i wander off i can still hear the dose. Like one time with LSD i got sorta bored so my mind wondered off then right in the middle of what i was thinking BAM! sedation, i think it was, hit me. I was suprised at how hard it hit. My eyes opened so wide, sorta like this fello -> :shock: , and my heart was racing and i was panting. I think i give hope to all ADHD and ADD dosers :D
Hang on why would your eyes open wide and your heart speed up if you felt a sedation? :?

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Post by kr3wskater »


that sounds like a textbook case of sedation :D
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Post by Shrimpo »

Oops, i was refering my experience with the Demerol dose, felt like something was being washed away from my body... with a little tingling sensation.
Sorry for the misunderstanding... :?
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