Why is it illegal?

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Why is it illegal?

Post by UnknownFear »

I have a huge question about most of the plant or, as some people refer to it, mother nature herbs. Why are they illegal?? Yes, some of them do make you make you go a bit crazy and see things, but it calms you down. But, does it actually make you go crazy enough to commit crimes? I don't know. I just think some of the herbs are just out there to calm you down, have a nice experience than goes away after awhile. Anyone else here know what I'm saying? And yes, where I am, everything is illegal to me, except alcohol.
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Post by kr3wskater »

Are you 12 or 13? (I don't mean this offensively at all, just wondering because you sound like it). There's a number of reasons why it was illegalized in the first place in 1937 and there's a number of reasons why they won't re-legalize it. A big one is that it would be hard for the government to make profit because it can be grown easily at home, making it harder to tax.
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Post by UnknownFear »

kr3wskater wrote:Are you 12 or 13? (I don't mean this offensively at all, just wondering because you sound like it). There's a number of reasons why it was illegalized in the first place in 1937 and there's a number of reasons why they won't re-legalize it. A big one is that it would be hard for the government to make profit because it can be grown easily at home, making it harder to tax.
I am 17 :) and yes, that does make sense. The government would lose a lot of money, but don't they already make a lot of money as it is with smoking? :P
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Post by Geebus1234 »

kr3wskater wrote:don't they already make a lot of money as it is with smoking?
They make billions of dollars a year from alcohol and tobbacco, but you must understand; the government never has enough money, if they had more power to control things they would put a tax on every damn thing.
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Post by UnknownFear »

Geebus1234 wrote:
kr3wskater wrote:don't they already make a lot of money as it is with smoking?
They make billions of dollars a year from alcohol and tobbacco, but you must understand; the government never has enough money, if they had more power to control things they would put a tax on every damn thing.
Ah. Now I understand.
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Post by mateo12192 »

is it true that obama wants to legalize mj?
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Post by N1c3 »

mateo12192 wrote:is it true that obama wants to legalize mj?
No, but the best cadidate out there (Mike Gravel) wants to. :wink:
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Post by tyciol »

They are controlled/illegal substances because of their effects on the human mind, and how they can be addictive in some cases. The government thinks people are idiots (and I agree) and would lose themselves on these things.
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Post by kr3wskater »

He'll legalize it for medical uses. None of the "popular" candidates will legalize it for personal use though (including him). The only one who has a chance is ron paul but retarded american's (who always mope about how shitty the government/presidential situation is) don't want to vote for him because they feel like he won't win either way. The power is in your hands, vote for him (if you're a registered republican), if you and others realize you have some amount of power, he could have a chance.
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Post by N1c3 »

kr3wskater wrote:He'll legalize it for medical uses. None of the "popular" candidates will legalize it for personal use though (including him). The only one who has a chance is ron paul but retarded american's (who always mope about how shitty the government/presidential situation is) don't want to vote for him because they feel like he won't win either way. The power is in your hands, vote for him (if you're a registered republican), if you and others realize you have some amount of power, he could have a chance.
Not to be an ass, but you have it backwards, Ron Paul (the second best candidate) wants to legalize industrial hemp, and legalize medical MJ, Mike Gravel though wants to legalize MJ in all forms, meaning, the hemp, the MJ for personal use, for medical use, and etc..

The "popular" candidates (meaning the ones who are being shoved on tv so that corporate america can have some control over who all the sheeple will vote for) like Obama and Clinton can seriously FCK OFF!!!

Most people aren't going to realize this because they just assume if they are on tv, then they must be good, but truthfully, both Obama and Clinton are a DANGER to our country, literally!!!

Thats why, not just do I think that MG is the best candidate, but also because in the Democrats, it is only between Clinton, Obama and Gravel, and since I definitely will NOT vote for Clinton or Obama (unlike all the sheeple will), MG would def have to have my vote!!
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Post by kr3wskater »

True man. I'm saying that for registered republicans ron paul should DEFINATELY take the vote over some the other assholes like mccain and romney. For registered democrats definately vote gravel, i saw a c-span interview in which he said he thinks it should be something at every gas station. The reason they won't win votes is because coprorate america (like you said) won't make as many $$$ off these 2 than they will with other tools like clinton, romney, mccain, etc.

And i totally agree, some of the candidates pose a HUGE threat to the american populace.
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Post by N1c3 »

kr3wskater wrote:True man. I'm saying that for registered republicans ron paul should DEFINATELY take the vote over some the other assholes like mccain and romney. For registered democrats definately vote gravel, i saw a c-span interview in which he said he thinks it should be something at every gas station. The reason they won't win votes is because coprorate america (like you said) won't make as many $$$ off these 2 than they will with other tools like clinton, romney, mccain, etc.

And i totally agree, some of the candidates pose a HUGE threat to the american populace.
Exactly, man, glad to see I am not the only one who sees right through Hillary and Obama (who keep getting enourmous airtime since the corporate media is able to make money off both of them...) as well as all the repubs out there who are just lying through their teeth to get into office!

Really, it comes down to either Mike gravel (Dem) or Ron Paul (Repub), personally I wouldn't mind if either one of them won.
Sure, I personally would still vote for Mike, but I would still be happy if Ron won though...
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Post by N1c3 »

Finneus J. wrote:The only reason I want Clinton is because if she wins, my grandma will leave the country.
Damn, she's so bitter.
Other than that, those other two aren't getting (almost) any coverage at all, likely that some people haven't even heard of them.
Trust me dude, having a bitter grandma that you only have to put up with sometimes, is much better than having a bitter grandma (clinton) as your president, HA! :wink:

But yeah, those 2 guys are getting any coverage at all, and it is because the media can't make any money off of them, so the media isn't focusing on them.
Clinton and Obama however are funded by all kinds of Lobbyists, they accept money from big business and PACs, etc.
So corporate America (who are also the people who decide who can or cant run in the debates) are using obama and clinton due to the fact that they can make money off those 2!
Really sad when you think about it, especially cause those 2 wont do anything for the country, whereas Mike has the friggin NI4D, thats the greatest invention ever!!!
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Post by Beanmaster »

Voting someone just becasue of a drug, the rest? dont care...

America, just full of ignorant, dumb idiots (I thought america is so free? lol free speech)
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Post by N1c3 »

Beanmaster wrote:Voting someone just becasue of a drug, the rest? dont care...

America, just full of ignorant, dumb idiots (I thought america is so free? lol free speech)
And where do you get that idea from ignorant fck?!

See thats the problem with everyone outside America, they think they know what Americans think, but they have no idea how stupid they are making themselves look!
Focus on your own countries problems and it's citizens, god knows they are falling apart at the seams...
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