Started of with sleep paralysis

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Started of with sleep paralysis

Post by Bloo »

Uh. i didnt even have to use i-doser to have lucid dreams... i just wrote down my dreams every night and i dont know... Just only started having them when i read about them and knew they exsisted.

like... it started of with sleep paralysis. just waking up but not being able to move... i could feel myself moving but when i looked at my legs or anything they werent moving. SO weird.

I kept getting that for AGES and it got really really annoying... so i just stopped thinking about lucid dreaming and stuff... and they went away. then only recently i started getting them. there so much fun ^^ this dream i was in a house and i looked in a mirror and had no reflection and thought "oh i must be dreaming!" then i could do what i wanted. but i woke up pretty fast :(

then i was in my room... and started backflipping and stuff haha. then i went to go out my door but when i opend it it was just sky! and my floor fell in and i started sliding down it... and i was trying to fly out my door but it just wouldnt work :( then i woke up.

and then the best one was recently... I dont know how it just started as a lucid dream and i could change people into whoever i wanted [= it was awsome!!!! and i felt my self waking up so i started to run around... and i stayed dreaming [=

it was cool.

But sleep paralysis is sooo irritating. ive never like seen anything weird but iwas told by my brother he seen a creepy old lady standing in the corner of his room. and he couldnt move and run away and he was stuck like that for ages. =/ i hope that never happend me!!!
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