I-doser placebo?

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I-doser placebo?

Post by livelonger87 »

I've not really tried it properly, but I'm hearing a lot about it being mostly a placebo affect. I've looked on binaural brainwave beats on the wikipedia and it does mention something about entertainment found within them but it mostly goes over how it just changes the activeness of a consciousness.

Can anyone help me here? I mean, I thought this was too good to be true, and life is really bad at the moment, I need something to lighten it up, something that will.... enhance and support confidence. However, sorry for that, I'm not seeking attention, just simply going a little too far in my post. Anyway, I'd like the alcohol one to work, but I'm unsure as to how? How long do I need to focus on the sounds for?

Do I need to have an urge for it to work? Or do I just simply listen to the sounds without thinking. Stopping my thoughts is a difficult task also, any ideas on how to clear my thoughts to make it easier for the effect to work?

Anything is very much appreciated, and I very much appreciate this technology if it works on me.
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Post by kr3wskater »

They will alter your consciousness, but nowhere close to what a real substance would do. Alcohol won't get you "drunk", most users experience lightheadedness and dizziness as the effects of the dose.
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Post by livelonger87 »

kr3wskater wrote:They will alter your consciousness, but nowhere close to what a real substance would do. Alcohol won't get you "drunk", most users experience lightheadedness and dizziness as the effects of the dose.
Thank you, I'm happy to here that. I mean, when I was hearing about the "placebo" effects being your thoughts influencing the effect, where you create it, like, you think it's real when it's not, my confidence dropped a lot in this idea.
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