Grass smokers what method?

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How do you smoke weed?

A bong
A bowl
A spliff
Total votes: 31

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Grass smokers what method?

Post by SevenOrSeveral »

I usually use a bowl. But occasionally I'll go through the effort to poorly wrap a spliff.
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Post by blackplague »

I use a bong sometimes.
Usually I just roll a blunt or a joint though.
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Post by Tool33 »

I use bowl most of the time. Otherwise a bong. Never really do joints anymore
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Post by gooble »

wheres the vaporizing option? its clearly the most effective (provides the best high off the least amount) and it tastes better than anything else.

i voted bong just because its the second best.
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Post by Banner »

For me its a tie between bong & bowl. depends on my mood.
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Post by 4SK1N »

Glass bong :D
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Post by SevenOrSeveral »

Yes I know I didn't put the vaporizing method. I meant to though.
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Post by OverDozeMKII »

the the options should be
a bong
a pipe
a joint

i usually smoke with a bong when im home.. but when im out i roll kickass spliffs
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Post by benjo »

i do all three depending on the circumstances.
if i'm with my lady we use a pipe.
if i'm with the homies then we use a bong.
and if i'm doing something then i roll one.

usually workin stiff hittin the spliff
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Post by Vesher »

I use a 1L Waterfall Bong (Gravity Bong is what it's more commonly known as). Pretty much the only way I smoke.
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Post by zxcasd »

mostly bong sometimes i role a cross joint or use a vaporizer 8)
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Post by BlazedGanja »

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Post by davedesl »

I smoke joints, or use a pipe when it's inconvenient to roll.
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Post by Master832 »

Apple. Its perfect because it makes it taste better and you can eat it afterward which gets the smell off your breath and cures the munchies.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

i use blueberry or vanilla blunts
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